William Davis, MD
Dieting: How can we diet successfully
Aired On: April 19, 2024
Episode Description
In our strives to be healthy, most of us are dieting. Yet, the conventional dieting approaches make our health worse, not better. Also, the conventional dieting approaches do not work. Have you noticed that most of the participants in The Biggest Loser TV reality Show gain their weight back. Why is that? While most of us are overweight, what can we do to become healthier? Obesity is a major health problem in the Western world. Not only is obesity embarrassing and demoralizing, it is unhealthy. Excess weight is accompanied by inflammation, oxidative stress , metabolic disorders, a path towards insulin resistance and chronic disease. It is life shortening. Conventional weight loss approaches include reducing caloric intake, GLP 1 agonists, and bariatric surgery. While these conventional weight loss strategies may have short term success, most times, the weight returns after the dieting stops. These conventional weight loss methods impair health and shorten lifespan. They result in muscle loss and a preferential loss of subcutaneous fat over the more harmful visceral fat (fat surrounding organs). Typically 25 % of weight loss in these conventional weight loss approaches is from loss of muscle mass. The muscle mass is necessary to keep our metabolic rate and the ability to burn calories at a good rate. The remaining visceral fat adversely affects triglyceride levels, HDL and small LDL levels, fasting glucose and insulin levels, blood pressure, c reactive protein and uric acid levels. The weight typically regained after the use of GLP 1 agonists and is nearly all fat, not muscle. Hence, our preoccupation with caloric restriction, GLP 1 agonists, and bariatric surgery we are not losing the harmful visceral fat and the weight returns with our muscle mass lessened. When visceral fat loss is targeted, glucose regulation, insulin resistance, and inflammation all improve. Lean muscle mass is preserved, there is faster weight loss and no weight regain. In order target harmful visceral fat loss, Dr. Davis recommends not cutting calories, reduce food that trigger blood glucose and inulin increases. He recommends addressing nutrient that influence insulin resistance. – magnesium, vitamin D, iodine/ thyroid and omega 3s. He recommends lactobacillus reuteri and high collagen peptides, hyaluronic acid, carotenoids especially astaxanthin. However there are some factors, lost in modern people that gives some control over weight and body composition. These include probiotics, collagen, hyaluronic acid and carotenoids.
Dr. William Davis
- We want to be proactive in caring for or health rather than wait til we have a symptom and are given a pill to mask these symptoms
- We want to restore the things that modern society has lost
- Ancient humans never ate grains or fat
- They were exposed to the sun.
- They had magnesium. From plants (with soil mineral depletion, modern plants have 90 % less magnesium
- They had water running over streams with plenty of minerals
- Gives extraordinary control over the microbiome, abdominal fat and associated conditions such as hypertension, hyper triglyceridemic, fatty liver, depression, anxiety, cognitive impairment, coronary heart disease
- Iodine from eating animal thyroids, from fish,
- Obesity is a health risk and is increasing
- Obesity is linked to chronic diseases, inflammation, oxidative stress
- The fat stores toxins
- After dieting most of the weight comes back as fat, not muscle
- The winners of the Reality Show the Biggest loser regain their weight after their diets
- This occurs for low calory diets, bariatric surgery and use of GLP-1 agonists (such as Ozempic)
- It is healthier to target our visceral fat covering the organs rather than the superficial abdominal fat.’
- Visceral fat adversely affects triglyceride levels, small LDL levels (risk factors for cardiovascular disease), fasting glucose regulation, insulin resistance, hypertension, c reactive protein and uric acid levels.,
- Losing abdominal fat is often accompanied by loss of muscle mass which is hard to replace via exercise or regaining the weight
- Typically 27 % of weight loss is loss of muscle mass
- Muscle mass is the principle determinant of basic metabolic rate.
- This determines the rate at which calories are burned.
- This guarantees weigh regain
- When the weight is regained, these people are more prediabetic, more insulin resistant, have higher blood glucose and insulin resistance
- This increases risk of cognitive decline, dementia and cardiovascular diseases, type II diabetes, breast cancer
- These people are less healthy than before the weight loss
- When the weight is regained, these people are more prediabetic, more insulin resistant, have higher blood glucose and insulin resistance
- Dr. Davis believes that the GLP1 (such as Ozempic) agonist drugs should have never been approved
- There appear to be associations with thyroid cancer, intestinal obstruction,
- It “paralyzes” the stomach so the stomach does not empty leading to SIBO
- There is 50 % loss of abdominal fat and 50 % loss of subcutaneous fat below the skin
- Including in face which makes people look older.
- 25 – 40 % of the loss is muscle loss
- Exercise does not mitigate the muscle loss
Bariatric surgery
- There is gross underreporting of side effects or death from this surgery
His study
- Women take L reuteri, hyaluronic acid, marinebased collagen peptides and polyphenols (astaxanthin). There is no change in diet with this study
- results
- Skin becomes thicker, less skin wrinkling,
- Ladies lost an average of three inches off their waste
- There is almost no weight loss
- Collagen and astaxanthin: increase muscle and shrink abdominal circumference
- results
- Consumption of this microbe increases oxytocin and results in smoother skin
- Oxytocin increases, love, affection, generosity, an increased need for companionship. Increased muscle mass, increased libido, immune system is improved, healing accelerates, and is happier.
- It colonizes the small intestine effective in killing fecal microbes: most microbes colonize the large intestine
- Divorces are in 50 % of couples
- There is a rise in narcissistic behavior
- Boosting societal oxytocin can restore humanity, consideration for others, generosity, empathy, love and tolerance?
- Suicides have increased 35 % from 2005 and 1015 worse with pandemic
Collagen Peptides
- Can get rid of wrinkles
- There never was great evidence to get fat out of the diet
- Organ meats are a good source of collagen and hyaluronic acid
- He uses marine sources; these are effective at about one-tenth of the dose of bovine, chicken, pork
- Marine sources have a higher concentration of dientride peptides
- These are 2 and 3 long amino acid peptides that are resistant to digestion and make their way intact to the skin and to joint cartilage
- Increases joint health, cartilage, aortic health, reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure
Hyaluronic acid
- Women put this around their eyes
- When hyaluronic acid is taken orally, it goes to all parts of the body
- It helps skin moisture
- In comes from animal brains and skin
- Stimulates further production of collagen in dermis and joint cartilage
- Acts as fiber in GI microbiome creating species that make butyrate
- which makes better skin, weight loss, reduction in blood pressure, triglycerides, blood sugar, and fecal microbes
- butyrate is the preferred food of the large intestine
- critical for intestinal lining, sleep quality, control blood glucose, blood pressure, better dreams
- good for skin which should be acidic (Ph 4.5)
- hence hyaluronic acid produces butyrate
. Butyrate makes the skin more acidic
- butyrate encourages healthy commensurate bacteria like staph epidermis
- butyrate discourages the proliferation of nasty bacteria such as staph aureus
Combine hyaluronic acid with L reuteri
- increases oxytocin and colonizes the small intestine.
- Restores intestinal health
Fecal microbes in small intestine (SIBO)
- Because of our use of antibiotics, we have allowed fecal microbes to ascend and colonize in the small intestine which is permeable.
- When these microbes die, they release toxins (endotoxemia)
- Drives abdominal weight gain, higher glucose, triglycerides, fatty liver, depression, anxiety
- These endotoxins circulate throughout the body leading to fatty liver, obesity, diabetes, autoimmune disease, skin rashes, neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s), restless leg syndrome, depression, and anxiety
- Predisposing conditions for this SIBO include a bad gut, being overweight, use of antacids, opiate use or hypothyroidism
- SIBO is common, more common than he thought
Causes of SIBO
- Poorly controlled diabetes
- Low HCl, H pylori, hypothyroidism
- Poorly controlled DM
- Poor bile or pancreatic enzyme production
- Slowed peristalsis
- Immune system dysfunction
- Chronic stress
SIBO Symptoms
- Gas and bloating especially after prebiotic foods such as root vegetables, inulin-containing foods such as onions, fat intolerance (staining the bowl after a bowl movement), recurring skin rashes
SIBO Treatment
- Foods to avoid
- Sugar (feeds the yeast),
- emulsified foods (such as found in peanut butter and ice cream),
- artificial sweeteners,
- polysorbate 80, carboxy methyl cellulose (disrupts the mucus in intestines,
- maldrextin, chlorinated drinking water
- Nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs like Motrin
- Emotional distress which disrupts the mucus in the gut which affects the protection in the gut
- His approach is to take microbes that colonize the small intestines and those that do not produce bacteria
- He chose Lactobacillus reuteri, lactobacillus gaseri, bacillus coagulans
- These all colonize in the small intestines
- He uses prolonged fermentation
- Lactobacillus reuteri doubles in every three hours at human body temperature
- He makes yogurt that ferments 36 hours resulting in 300 billion in one half serving
- He measured this using flow psychometry
- This gave skin results, oxytocin
- 90 %elimination of SIBO
- He makes yogurt that ferments 36 hours resulting in 300 billion in one half serving
- Lactobacillus reuteri doubles in every three hours at human body temperature
- Helpful supplements
- Curcumin, berberine
- Avoid added elements to increase absorption as it is important that these supplements remain in the gut
- Essential oils
- Curcumin, berberine
- He chose Lactobacillus reuteri, lactobacillus gaseri, bacillus coagulans
Aire device made by Hood Marble. The inventor, Sr, Angus Short measures hydrogen gas in the breath
- This is useful for people on the FODMAP diet.\ to detect when they deviate from the low FODMAP diet.
- This is a device which cost 172 dollars to determine hydrogen levels in the breath
- There is a new device that also measures methane. They are developing an ap for hydrogen sulfide measurement
Avoiding wheat
- Modern wheat is highly processed. Gliadin id digested into opiate peptides which act like opium this is an appetite stimulant
- Wheat germ agglutinates. Inflammatory contributes to abdominal fat
- Amylopectin A is worse than sugar in raising glucose
- Promotes small LDL which triggers coronary heart disease
- Phytates. Bind all positively charged minerals, magnesium, zinc, and calcium which amplifies insulin resistance
- Blocks cholycystokinase which stimulates the gall bladder to release bile
- Through molecular mimicry, can cause antibodies to go after the Purkinje cells in the cerebellum (gluten ataxia), islet cells in the pancreas, and they thyroid gland
- European wheat, less processed, is still problematic
- Even eating prebiblical, pre-modern wheat is problematic. They have less harm but are not harmless
- In ancient times,there was almost no tooth decay prior to the consumption of grains
- Only one out of every three teeth recovered from that time
- When people started eating Eichhorn wheat,
- tooth decay started to occur
- there was a doubling of arthritis
- there was an increase in deficiencies
- this can be seen in bony records
- because bone marrow compensated for iron loss caused by phytates binding iron which left via the stools
- this can be seen in bony records
- In ancient times,there was almost no tooth decay prior to the consumption of grains
- Never limit fat
- Restore basic nutrients lost in modern life,
- Magnesium, iodine, omega 3 fatty acids’
- shell fish have cadmium; fish have mercury
- Conventional weight loss approaches such as calorie restriction, bariatric surgery and GLP1 agonists result in weight loss
- Approximately 25 % of the loss is from muscle mass which we need to maintain or metabolic rate
- Accompanying exercise will not mitigate muscle loss
- When the weight will come back, it comes back primarily as fat leading to increased prediabetic insulin resistance, dementia, coronary artery disease, breast cancer
- Avoid sugar which encourages microbe to ascend to the small intestine (SIBO)
- Avoid artificial sweeteners
- Avoid emulsifiers such as in peanut butter and ice cream
- Avoid polysorbate 80 and carboxymethyl cellulose which degrade the mucose lining which protects gut integrity
- Eat organic, filter water
- Avoid
- wheat ,
- non steroidal anti inflammatory medications, antacids (which reduce stomach acid and interferes which interfere with enzyme production and st one up for SIBO
- minimize alcohol
- take
- fermented foods
- vitamin D which help with intestinal barrier
- olive oil which converts to endocannabinoids leading to
- increasing oxytocin
- decreasing blood sugar
- omega 3 fatty acids, iodine, flavonoids and polyphenols such as in green tea
- herbs such as oregano, cinnamon, cloves, capaisin
- curcumin as they do not leave (absorb from) the gut
- lowers the LPS, helps mucus lining
- berberine reduces blood sugar and increase butyrate and stays in the gut