Alix Mayer, MBA

Vaccine Questions

Aired on: Feb 8, 2025

Show Notes

How do we decide on which vaccines are food for us?  Alix discusses the research showing that in animal models, specific diseases were created by injecting toxic metals along with the desired pathogen of the disease in question.  How do we know that the toxic metals in the childhood vaccine schedule  don’t contribute to the growth in autoimmune disease seen in our culture

Is a digital totalitarian system in our future,  Digital IDs, social credit scores is that in our future?   

Could vaccine passports be a pathway to such a future?

*correction in the recording she corrected the 700 million budget item to 700 thousand dollars*

Alix Mayer, MBA

In 1996, Ms. Mayer was running a worldwide research group for Apple Inc., when she got 6 vaccines for a vacation and became disabled, brain damaged and lost her career. Now substantially recovered, she is Chairman and co-founder of Free Now Foundation, one of the leading medical freedom law non-profits in California. A retired workaholic, Ms. Mayer volunteers 60 hours a week to help run Free Now Foundation.

Ms. Mayer is an in-demand speaker, and her lively presentations on 1/ The Legal Howdunnit of COVID, 2/ Digital Communism, and 3/ ABV: Anything But Vaccines have earned her recognition and accolades. “I know women in VP positions who do not hold a candle to this woman’s sunlight,” stated a commenter on a recent interview with Mike Adams, “She gives me hope that humanity still lives.” 

Ms. Mayer formerly served on the Children’s Health Defense (CHD) board, co-founded & served as Chairman of CHD’s most successful Chapter in California, raising in excess of $5M, and served on RFK Jr’s Presidential campaign finance committee, raising hundreds of thousands for the campaign. 

In 2022, she won the Golden Bear Award and a presentation she gave to Dr. Mercola was named a “Best of” interview. Ms. Mayer grew up in the Oscar Mayer family, and has degrees from Duke (BA) and Northwestern (MBA.)

Alix Mayer, MBA


email. [email protected]

freenow foundation

Her background

  • She had been the director of a group in Apple and had a promising career
  • She was vaccine injured in 1996 after taking may vaccines required for travel
  • She spent the next thirty years trying to recover as she had fatigue, and neurological symptoms

Bifurcation of benefits and harms

  • The vaccine issue needs to be bifurcated
  • She joins with vaccine advocates with the vaccine benefits, and are effective  but the harms need to be understood
  • Knowing the harms and benefits is beneficial in individual decision making

Anything But Vaccines (ABV)

Children’s Vaccine schedule

  • Studies show the unvaccinated have far less heart disease, allergies, cancer and neurological diseases
  • We create diseases in rodents by giving them some of the toxic ingredients in vaccines
  • Anything but Vaccines is the typical answer to the question of a cause of any health condition
  • She wonders why the vaccine program is so robust when so many injuries have been denied
    • The risks and harms have been overlooked
    • There a robust body of scientific literature that shows that vaccines are behind allergies, asthma, autoimmunity, and neurological conditions  
    • She can show documented harms for all of these conditions
  • There are studies that show how to create asthma, allergies, multiple sclerosis in rodents by giving these rodents a vaccine
    • They make animals allergic to egg protein by having them breathe in eggs and then giving them an aluminum injection
      • The aluminum spurs the immune system (B cells) to create antibodies because anything circulating in the body with an aluminum injection is seen as “non self”.
      • When they give a shot with aluminum and a food ingredient, there is the possibility of creating an allergy to that particular foodingredient
        • Vaccines have
          • eggs in them,
          • bovine serum which cross reacts with milk
        • because 60 % of the vaccines have aluminum in them, she sees this as a recipe to create allergies and asthma in people
      • They create multiple sclerosis in animals by giving them myelin protein that mimics myelin (the sheath surrounding and insulating nerves).  This myelin protein is called a MOG (myelin oligodendrite (glycoprotein)
        • Then they give the pertussis (whooping cough) toxin
        • This combination creates multiple sclerosis in almost all of the rodents
    • A study called The control groupby Joy Garner shows (
      • 60 % of adults have a chronic disease
      • In unvaccinated childrenadults
        • almost zero allergies, asthma, autism, ADHD, almost zero neurological conditions, almost zero cancer
    • 48 % of adults have heart disease yet among the unvaccinated, almost zero have heart disease according to one study
    • Paul Thomas, MD with Dr. James Wilder found vaccinated children had a twenty five times more likelihood hance of going to the pediatrician for a fever

Covid Era

  • With covid, the vaccination became a tool of control
  • She believes that covid and the associated measures was brought in a totalitarian technocracy that is a combination of fascism, socialism, and communism
  • Our consent has been manufactured for decades
    • Cf Norm Chomsky’s book Manufacturing Consent
    • The word consent has a “t” over the “s” looking like “content”
    • This book was to have people look at  communism and become anti communism
  • During the covid era, any unvaccinated person was viewed as a threat
    • At moment our consent was manufactured for a totalitarian society
    • This is manufactured to have people demand a vaccine passport
  • This vaccine passport is a weaponized architecture manufactured to become a digital ID
    • Accompanying digital ID are social credit scores
    • The first social credit score is vaccination status
    • This will dictate what one can and cannot do I society
    • There could be many other components of social credit scares including DEI, ESG
    • To increase social credit scores, people might have to take vaccines
  • There are other scenarios to enforce digital IDs
    • No water, cyber-attacks, climate emergency
    • Some might go to FEMA camps where they have electricity, food
    • How does one get out of the FEMA camp?  (digital IDs, vaccines etc)
    • She recommends prepping
    • There are signals that “There is something wrong” masks, no eggs (as they killed the chickens)
  • She is filing suits to make it legal to be unvaccinated so future social credit scores might not include vaccine status

Vaccine efficacy

  • Early 2000’s article in the Pediatrics journal  on vital statistics showed the decrease inn infectious disease was due to sanitation (handwashing) and antibiotics, not vaccines
  • Vaccines in some cases (measles, polio) vaccines were introduced as the
    • The definition of polio was changed when the polio vaccine rolled out to make it more difficult to diagnose
    • Polio outbreaks mirror   DDT spraying
    • Polio is an entero virus: perhaps combining it with a neurotoxin induced the neural paralysis (cf, animals were given diseases by combining the pathogen with a toxic metal)
    • The current polio vaccine does not stop person to person transmission as it id designed to protect the recipient’s nervous system
  • The MediCaid and Medicare data in Florida found over 100 cases of polio in the data base.  These were all vaccinated persons

Societal Good vs Individual Choice

  • The Jacobsen case in 1905 (Jacobsen v Massachusetts) wet to the Supreme Court which determined that a person can refuse a vaccine if they pay five dollars
  • Otherwise, mandates were legal because of “common knowledge” that vaccines are effective and lead to herd immunity
    • This is based on “common” knowledge not scientific knowledge
    • Because there is no proof the mRNA vaccines stop transmission, show this is not common knowledge
  • Also Chevron deference – supreme Court ruled that we no longer have to yield to three letter agencies as the ultimate authority as they were wrong in covid
    • It is up to the judge to determine the science
  • Her organization, Freenow,  is suing California governor Newsom ad the Department of Public Health because California is a defacto mandatory vaccine state as all medical exemptions are denied
    • There is no due process in a student not wanting to take a vaccine
    • Individuals are not allowed to bring a vaccine injury to a civil court
      • they have to go to a government court which caps at a maximum of $250,000
      • these vaccine courts only deal with injuries that come on very quickly
  • Is it OK to have many children die
    • If one in one million children die from vaccines, is that OK to get herd immunity for everyone else?
    • It looks like the harm from the mRNA vaccines is one and two
    • Is it moral to ask half of the population to have a chronic disease in order to obtain herd immunity
      • People are not considered vaccinated until two weeks after the final shot.  This makes the data not trustworthy
      • Yet vaccine courts require the injury occur soon after the mRNA shot

Robert Kennedy Jr Senate hearing

  • He was called a conspiracy theorist (A CIA term to tamp down on misinformation)
  • The level of senator melt down
    • Senator Bernie Sanders received almost 2 million dollars from
    • Senator Elizabeth Warren 1.2 million dollars
    • Senator Ron Wyden. 1.2 million
    • President Obama received 6 million
    • Vice President Kamala Harris received 9 million
  • In a non election year, 70 % of media advertising is paid by big pharma

Our government has refused to do studies on safety

  • Senator Cassidy
  • There are data on vaccine safety
  • Vaccinedatalink was supposed to be available to public


  • Has paid media outlets to discriminate against vaccine information
    • 8 million to Politico in last year; 26 million over last four years
    • Money to New York Times, BBC
  • 20 million dollars was given to George Soros
  • 2 million for gender affirming care in Guatemala
  • S Downs used to work for USAID developing alternative energy projects.