Richard Jeffs
Stakeholder Capitalism: Government tyranny to a Digital Gulag
Aired On: Dec 6, 2024
Show Notes
As a democrat, I wonder why there is so much censorship of true information? Why did Congressman Adam Schiff censor my nutrition documentary? Why HHS puts out a memo that people who make the government look bad are considered domestic terrorists, why the government was advertising requesting folks to apply for federal positions to round up people for camps and for federal employees to manage these camps. What is this all about ? Why are there two divided groups in the United States who ferociously believe that the other group is destroying democracy? How can this divide be healed? What is behind this division? Is there something more sinister afoot? Is this a step towards a new economic system?
Stakeholder Capitalism: Government tyranny to a Digital Gulag
Richard Jeffs
His website:
His documentary Film: Stakeholder Capitalism
He explores the ten year transition to an authoritarian political system called stake holder capitalism
- In the last four years it was strange, there was rampedcensorship
- Films on nutrition, vitamin C, Vitamin D, what is in our Food were all censored
- Why do people want this?
- MSNBC producer admitted to James O’Keefe, that they were the mouthpiece of the democrats
- Commenting on a friend almost dying from taking forced untested jab resulted in getting attacked and accused of being MAGA. How is health associated with MAGA (as I am a Democrat)
- Why isthere such division and polarization?
- Why can’t we sit down and see what we have in common?
- It can’t be a simple has half of the country wants continuing tyranny and the other half wants the constitutionrestored
- Friends were arrested at school board meetings
- An HHS memo that anyone that makes the government look bad is a domestic terrorist. Does that mean that questioning the government is a terrorist act?
- Federal government put out memos looking for workers to round up citizens to bring to camps and others to man the camps. What is this for?
- Medical colleagues lose their license for speaking medical truths
- How can each side see the other side as the destroyer of democracy?
Richardhas investigated the shift from free market capitalism to stake holder capitalism
Free market capitalism
- aspires to citizens having the freedom to trade with whomever they want to
Stateholder capitalismThe state controls the economy such as in China
Stake holder capitalism
- economic decisions are made by an elite who supposedly have humanity’s best interests at heart
- His key stake holders are people who care about th planet so they would act in the best interest of all of us
- these stake holders include the leaders of G20 countries, heads of NGO 9non Government organizations such as the WHO and the UN, the ehads of Fortune 500 Companies
- it includes Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, The Bushes, Putin, Zelensky, Anthony Fauci (he has a page on the WEF website), both former candidates for UK Prime Minister, the Leader of China, Justin Trudeau
- Deep state own pharmaceutical companies and banks
- Designed plan to shift authority away from the people to a group of his elite members
- This essential is a transition to a New World Government
- This will replace both stateholder and shareholder capitalism
That this Great Reset would look like
- Get us to stop anything that emits carbon by 2030 (oil)
- No gas vehicles, no cows banned because they burp methane
- Lots of restrictions
- Belief that the only way to save theplanet to stop burning anything that emits carbon
- Fifteen minute cities
- Everything we need within a 15 minute walk
- Lock down situation useless superrich and can pay to offset their carbon use
- Peasants are locked down, rich can move unimpeded
- Universal basic income
- We are half way to this transition. The next 50 % of this transition will be the most difficult
How they can enforce
- Constant surveillance
- Digital IDs and digital control over currency
- Tony Blair, Rishi Sunak, and Joe Biden were pushing for this
- Digital currency
- Digital currency is programmable and can be shut off at any time
- Canadian truckers and their donors had their banking shut down
- Joseph Mercola and Reiner Fuellmich (now in Jail) had their accounts shut down.
- This can be shut down for any reason, and this can be controlled as to what we buy and where we buy it
- Jobs want dependent on stake holders
Klaus Schwab
- He created the global system called stake holder capitalismHe aims to transition the world from 2020 to 2030 to stake holder capitalism
- He is driving the push for Stake holder capitalism / The New World Order, also included in the 4th Industrial Revolution
- He created the WEF (world economic forum) to enact this system
- In 2020 he was successful he named this system as a ten year transition to
- Stake holder capitalism also called the Great Resent
- He wrote books with both of these titles
- This was to be completed by 2030
- The covid pandemic of 2020 launched this ten-year transition starting with lock downs, and other methods of social control
- The tenets of this New World Order are inclusion and sustainability
- Sustainability refers to climate control
- The news reports that unless there is “net zero” meaning that carbon emissions are reduced to zero, the planet will be destroyed.
- They propose that the transition to stake holder capitalism is needed to protect the planet
- Young activists are gluing themselves to roads and throwing soup on valuable paintings
- Inclusion refers to inclusion which includes DEI
- People andplanet is a meme for the New World Ofer
- It was on the cover of Klaus Schwab’s book
- It is on a banner in a photograph of the G 20.
- why would anyone want this? Who would vote for it
- they have to convince us that we want it
- Is suspicious when solution net zero is no emission is totalitarian restrictions our life should be questioned
- Once one transitions into such a controlled state, it looks impossible to transition out
How to achieve this transition
- Most people will not agree to be totally controlled by elites
- Horrific catastrophes that will impact our lives, countries will be destabilized and financially ruined so accept tyranny
- Making us dependent on the government
- Many business were destroyed with the covid lockdowns.
- Government entities are buying land, food supplies
- Food plants are being destroyed. Land is being bought up
- Making us dependent on the government
- Control over resources
- Many food processing plants have been destroyed and governments/ elites are buying land
- Marginalization of farmers
- Many farms in Netherlands destroyed, thus reducing food security.
- Farmers in UK drove their tractors to protest in London
- Propaganda and media control
The Role of Violence, Disruption and Crises
- will be used to facilitate this change
- Covid lockdowns resulted in closing businesses, harming the middle class and making them more dependent on the government,
- Over 570 BLM riots after George Floyd’s death
- The three leaders of BLM were trained Marxists : Leesa Gaza one of the leaders was trained in the New World Leaders’ Program
Young global leader program helps drive this transition
- Klaus Schwab’s Indoctrination program for young aspiring politicians and professionals with inclusive and sustainable
- He then places them into positions of power
- Klaus Schwab bragged that he has penetrated government cabinets and local governments in the UK
Role of Corporations
- Corporation s are aware of this and are being coerces
- Corporations have an ESG score
- E for environmental, S for social / inclusion
The Role of Violence, Disruption and Crises
- will be used to facilitate this change
- Covid lockdowns resulted in closing businesses, harming the middle class and making them more dependent on the government,
- Over 570 BLM riots after George Floyd’s death
- The three leaders of BLM were trained Marxists : Leesa Gaza one of the leaders was trained in the New World Leaders’ Program
Propaganda and Societal manipulation
- Make people angry that a subset of the population is oppressed
- In China,
- Chairman Mao indoctrinated the young working class that they were oppressed. They became angry with the system. Mao encouraged them to join socialist to join to rise up against the system
- It appeared to happen from the bottom up and millions who pushed back died.
- Mao convinced the people to want Communism
- Chairman Mao indoctrinated the young working class that they were oppressed. They became angry with the system. Mao encouraged them to join socialist to join to rise up against the system
- In China,
- In the US, today, the same strategy is being applied
- This is Communism 2.0 with better branding sating it is for our own good
- Communism killed over 100 million people
- We are indoctrinated that the Blacks and trans are oppressed
- Cancel or name call people who question
- Questioners are called anti trans or racists or transphobic
- For example, when RK Rollins questioned biological men participating in female sports, she gets attacked or cancelled
- This is Communism 2.0 with better branding sating it is for our own good
Examples of what this could look like
- Richard’s movie
- The Uyghurs in China are a Muslim community
- China wanted to remove religiouscommunities
- Uyghurs were monitored
- Wrong facial expressions or words ended them up in work camps
- In these camps
- Folks who tried to escape were shot
- Prisoners were tortured, electrocuted, and police forced other prisoners to rape them
- Police officer tied electrodes to genitals to confess that they were religious
- There are attacks on our freedom and evey system is under attack
- Unelected tyrants are doing this and are trying to “hoodwink” the public
- Once our countries are destroyed, there will be little room for push back
- Facial recognition, digital ID and digital currency will be used as control
- The covid pandemic launched this ten year transition
- Climate control is making us so fearful that the only solution is “Net zero”
- Net zero involves that unless people give up all their freedoms, the world will end
- Make people aware
- Share Richard’s documentary