Nick Powell
Limitless: biohacking to optimal health
Aired on: November 15, 2019
Episode Description
Nick Powell, a specialist in human optimization, discusses biohacking towards optimal health and exceptional performance. As described in his book Limitless, he synthesizes the research and programs and tells us how to biohack our way to optimal health. He discusses the role of sleep, diet, meditation and exercise. including strategies on. fasting, smart drugs, light therapy, Heart Rate Variability training, toxin exposure, cold therapy, ketogenic diets and time-efficient exercise
Main Points
- If we give our bodies the correct input, our
body can heal - Keep an open mind and think of yourself as an N
equals one experiment as each is unique - Do your own experiments and try things out
- Take responsibility for your own health and
His journey
- Around age 38, he had low energy levels although
everything in his life appeared to go well - With low energy and high stress , it was
difficult to be present with his family - He developed a beer belly which he thought was
normal - When he had his first up of bullet proof coffee
– his brain turned on - He did well on the bullet proof diet
- He sought ways to improve his professional and
personal life
Causes of his Tiredness
- His diet. Processed food he was not aware of the
food choices he was making - He was under a lot of stress
- This was a vicious circle, he was tired and not
making the right decisions - He did not recognize stress
- He felt OK but did not know anything different
- He did not know what feeling better felt like
- Taking control of your own biology and energy
levels and the environment around you to give great energy and health - The intersection of technology and biology
Managing energy
- Is good to have energy all day
- Many people have an energy crash after
lunch. They feel tired throughout the
day waiting for work to end - He believes that energy should last throughout
the day - With good , steady energy, one makes good
decision,- People don’t get “kranky”
- People can do the right thing
- With a poor energy level, it is easy to fall
into bad habits
Methods for Maintaining Good Energy Levels
- Good food
- Quality sleep
- Get the correct light during the right time of
the day- No blue light (such as from computers, iphones
and TVs) at night because it interferes with the production of melatonin which
helps sleeping
- No blue light (such as from computers, iphones
- Take the appropriate supplements
- Most important is the fuel we put into our body
and good sleep
Causes poor energy dips
- Insulin spikes after a sugar spike
- Inflammation
- is intertwined with oxidative stress and poor methylation and is a
contributing most chronic diseases - When we eat a food we are not designed to eat,
we become inflamed with the symptoms.
These indicate we ate something that might not be good for us- Bloated in the stomach
- Brain fog
- Is connected with a leaky blood brain barrier
which is usually accompanied by a leaky gut barrier which can be the start of
autoimmune diseases - We have more mitochondria in brain in the brain
than elsewhere- So when one eats something that is toxic, can
feel it more in the brain because of the increased mitochondria are in the
- So when one eats something that is toxic, can
- Is connected with a leaky blood brain barrier
- Symptoms
of inflammation or a food that is not good for us- Bloating
- Brain fog
- Weight gain of more than a kilo in the morning
is indicative of inflammation because the body retained liquids to deal with
the inflammation for a substance that is toxic to the body. - Dave Asprey mentioned that if after a toxic meal
one has to pee but not much comes out that is another sign of a toxic food- He also states we might not notice the symptoms
for a couple of days
- He also states we might not notice the symptoms
- Also an increase in the pulse of 16- 17 within 90 minutesa is a sign of having eaten
a food that is toxic for us - For example, some people are sensitive to lectin
- Each person might be sensitive to different
foods so what foods cause inflammation can be an individual the
- Measuring
inflammation- Blood test hs crp heart sensitive c reactive
protein - Be aware of our bodies and bodies responses
- Intuitive eating
- Think how feel after eating
- If don’t feel good, then there was something in
the meal that caused a problem - Individually monitor how you feel after eating
certain foods and figure out which foods get in the way of healing and functioning
- Blood test hs crp heart sensitive c reactive
- is intertwined with oxidative stress and poor methylation and is a
- Produces 85 % of the energy in our bodies
- They signal to cells when to live and when to
die (very important so the dysfunctional cells can be removed from the body. - So we have to protect our mitochondria
Toxin loads
- These disrupt the mitochondria and cause
inflammation and can lead to autoimmune diseases - Are higher than they have every been
- For example, with glyphosate, factory farmed
animals and other chemicals in our environment- These get into the blood brain barriers causing
mitochondrial dysfunction - These get into all of our cells
- These get into the blood brain barriers causing
- For example, with glyphosate, factory farmed
- We feel these toxins more in the brain as there
are more mitochondria in the brain - The impossible burger – experts say that the
best way to help with global warming is to have diversified farming with
animals rather than mono crop farming- Two items that disrupt the blood brain barrier
and the intestinal barrier are
glyphosate and EMF
- Two items that disrupt the blood brain barrier
Biomarkers to Measure health progress
- Hs crp
(heart sensitive c reactive protein) for inflammation measure - Vitamin D
level helps energy levels particularly in the winter - Vitamin B
- Are protein in nightshade family which stop
animals from eating them - Pepper, chili, potato, tomato, eggplant
- Most humans can tolerate lectins
- 25 % of people have problems eating nightshade
vegetables- For Nick this made him bloat and feel tired
Foods that are bad for most people
- Sugars
- Deplete minerals
- Previously the sugar industry encouraged
researchers to define fat as a major problem which led to the low fat diet (supplemented
with sugar) and increasing health problems
- Gluten
- Tom O’Bryan states that humans don’t have the
enzymes to completely digest gluten.
Undigested proteins when going through a leaky gut to the blood stream
can contribute to the onset of autoimmune diseases - Gluten has many components so the gliaden
antibody will not accurately measure a gluten sensitivity - Gluten contains gluteomorphin which has opiate
like properties and can lead to an addiction to gluten
- Tom O’Bryan states that humans don’t have the
- Milk
- Some people have a sensitivity
- Processed foods
- Vegetable Oils
- Including rapeseed/ canola oil – these are
highly processed
- Including rapeseed/ canola oil – these are
- Factory Farmed Meat
- Contains insecticides, hormones and antibiotics
- Eat half the quantity of meat and perhaps spend
- Farmed salmon
- Unfortunately in the uK , they can not get wild
salmon. - The farmed salmon kill the wild salmon
- Don’t eat UK or Scandinavian salmon
- Unfortunately in the uK , they can not get wild
Elimination Diet
- Eliminate major sources of food sensitivities
- Eliminate sugar, gluten, grains, dairy,
processed food, soy, lectin foods - Then at a later time, slowly re introduce foods
one at a time to see the body’s reaction - This is the basis of the Wahls’ Protocol, The
autoimmune fix, the Bullet Proof Diets
- Eliminate sugar, gluten, grains, dairy,
- He recommends eliminating grains, dairy , and
sugar as these generate an inflammatory reaction in almost everyone
Ketogenic – Paleo Diets
- Eliminate
the insulin spikes which causes inflammation, oxidative stress and increases
cortisol - Women nay have a more difficult time on a
ketogenic diet - Be careful of too much protein such as the
Atkins Diet- Meat can spike insulin unless the fat is eaten
with the meat
- Meat can spike insulin unless the fat is eaten
Super Foods
- Sulfuraphane
- Found in cruciferous vegetables such as
broccoli, Brussel sprouts - Immune stimulant
- Anti- inflammatory
- Supports the heart
- Has cancer fighting compounds
- Increase glutathione
- Broccoli sprouts has 100 x more sulforaphane
- Found in cruciferous vegetables such as
- Polyphenols
- In coffee, dark vegetables, dark green
vegetables. Herbs (fresh and dried0 berries (blueberries, currants), green tea,
olives, pomegranate, red cabbage, red onion, red wine, and dark chocolate - Eat diverse colour in vegetables
- In coffee, dark vegetables, dark green
- During sleep we
- Eliminates toxins
- Repair body
- Process emotions
- Move memories from short term to long term
- We sleep in 90 minute cycles
- Quality sleep is important
- A study showed that if people had 5 hours sleep
per night had a higher mortality rate than those who sleep 8 hours- This study found 6.5 hours sleep to be optimal
Poor sleep
- Increases inflammation and oxidative stress
- Increases risks for diabetes, heart disease, ad
Alzheimer’s Disease - Make poor decisions, is hard to function
How to Hack (improve sleep)
- No caffeine after 2 PM
- Sleep in a dark room
- Amber glasses to filter out blue light which
decreases melatonin - magnesium
- No exercise 2 hours before sleep
- 2 T apple cider vinegar and 1 T honey
Occasional Cold exposure
- Simulates weight loss
- Stimulate the brown fat
- Increases norepinephrine
- Decreases depression
- Improves cognition.