The risks for heart attacks are not what we thought. The cholesterol model is outdated and does not adequately assess who is at risk for cardiovascular disease. The present evaluation, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of heart disease does not adequately identify at risk populations. For example the risks for cardiovascular disease starts when the blood pressure goes above 110/70. Likewise the risk for cardiovascular disease (and diabetes) starts when the morning fasting blood sugar reaches 84. Come learn how to assess if you are on the path to heart health and how to get on that path.
Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the world
The current physician paradigm has reached its limits
Teenagers are diagnosed with heart disease, diabetes, and obesity
There are an infinite number of insults that adversely affect the heart
The body reacts in a predictable way to diffuse these insults; the predictable vascular responses include:
Oxidative stress and
Immune dysfunction
These process are similar to the disease process in other illnesses such as cancer
It is important to track back to learn about the cause of heart disease and eliminate this cause (e.g., toxins, diet, hormones)
The body recognized insults and each time an insult reoccurs (such as a fatty meal) there is a heightened response
There is a continuum of risk. The risk for heart disease starts when the blood pressure is 110/70
An increase 5 points form 120/80 significant increase in risk for cardiac disease
There are over four hundred risk factors for cardiac disease.
The five top modifiable risk factors include high blood pressure obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, inflammation, parasites, and smoking
Other risk factors include infections, stress, poor sleep, toxins, low thyroid, endocrine disorders, lack of exercise,
All these are recognized as a foreign invader which initiate the three responses of inflammation, oxidative stress and immune dysfunction..
Advanced lipid testing: the other tests are obsolete
Need to know the number of very small LDL particles
HDL cleans up debris
Need to measure endothelial dysfunction (a measure of nitrate availability)
Heart Rate Variability
Twenty four hour monitoring of blood pressure
Augmentation pressure (stiffness of arteries)
Maintain a health gut as it is the first line of defense
Healthy organic diet
high quality protein, organic chicken (do not overdo red meat)
Eat lots of vegetables, fruits
Except for cauliflower avoid white foods (all breads, rice, potatoes, and sweet reined carbs. These have a high glycemic index which leads to inflammation, diabetes
Don’t overuse any food
Fats In Diet
Some fats are good such as olive oil, omega 3 fatty acids
Olive oil can be used in cooking at low temperatures.
Recycled fats (eg., fats in foods are repeatedly fried) are carcinogenic
The research is not “in” on coconut oil
Vegetable oils are not a good idea
Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) oils may be OK
Do not eat trans fat or processed fats
Salt in Diet
Salt use can be problematic if there is an impairment of kidney function
It is important to balance magnesium and potassium
CoQ 10 an antioxidant, anti inflammatory
baby aspirin the safest way to make the blood thinner (preferable to nattokinase which is anti-inflammatory)
Vitamin K 2 reduces artery calcification. It is an anti inflammatory agent and regulates calcium metabolism
Heart Disease is a post prandial (after meal) disease
The risk factors should be defined and removed
Exercise, stress reduction, good sleep, and diet are important in heart (and other disease) prevention.
For each person there should be a targeted personalized treatment plan including
Nutrition, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, minerals, nutriceuticals and pharmaceutical agents