Mark DeBrincat, DC
Reversing cardiovascular and Renal Disease
Aired On: August 5, 2022
Episode Description
The primary demand on our health system is the management of chronic diseases. Many of these chronic diseases involve the vasculature or blood vessels such as heart disease, strokes, kidney failure, diabetes, kidney failure, etc. Renal failure is increasing in its prevalence. While filtration rate should be 100 %, the current system does not mark kidney function as poor until it drops below 60 %. We won’t have symptoms of renal difficulties until are filtration rate is 30 %. We can urinate regularly even when in phase 5 of kidney failure Glycocalyx are hair like elements that line our blood vessels. The role of these hairs is to protect the blood vessel lining, serve as a gate keeper for oxygen, and to facilitate the release of nitric oxide which results in blood vessel dilation. They are the first site of damage in vessel disease. Studies have shown that improving the health of these vessels, can minimize spike protein damage, improve atherosclerosis and improve kidney function. This earliest damage to our blood vessels can be measured and effective approaches to reversing this damage are presented.
Reversing cardiovascular and renal disease
Mark Debrincat, DC, The Goodnews Doctor
- Half of children have a chronic disease
- Heart disease is a prevalent chronic disease
- What can we do? Get new stints?
- First sign of heart disease is sudden death for 70 % of people
- Surface of vascular field is larger than a soccer field
- One percent of this surface area is what arteries and veins are made out of
- But doctors only look at this one percent of the vessels
- 25 % of blood movement is through arteries and veins rest is through micro vessels
- Will lose 50 % of organ function until there is a symptom
Mark had bad arteries in his heart which he reversed
His history
- He had seven back surgeries after a head on collision with an 18 wheeler.
- He snapped his pelvis in half, damaged his spine in 11 different areas, the muscles were lifted off his legs, one third of his intestines were removed
- His providers told him he had to accept this
- He spent his time figuring how to break the hacks of what keeps us done
- Physical, mental and chemical set backs
- Diet played a large part in his recovery
- Nutrients, different probiotics that bring different colonies of bacteria into gut are important.
- He avoided toxins
- He had a “widow maker” that was 100 % blocked
- He had a 40 % and 20 % blockage in two other arteries
- His diet did not reverse this
- He became a vegan, this did not reverse these blockages
- After three months of endocalyx, all of his plaque was gone.
- He had a 40 % and 20 % blockage in two other arteries
- A large part of his break through was with the cardiovascular system
- To get good nutrients to his cells
- He studied microcirculation – this plays a large role
- Doctors never discussed. Microcirculation
- Could not see the small vessels
- Doctors previously looked at the blood going through the large vessels to see how they were functioning
- He became excited to learn that we could stimulate more circulation in the micro vessels
Micro vessels
- 200 times smaller than a strand of hair
- Previously, scientists were not able to assess the health of these vessels
- Has 99 % of vascular system
- No one has talked about it because there was nothing we could do about it because nutrients could not get to these micro vessels
- We need to know how to repair these important vessels
Assessing health of micro vessels
- Life is in the blood and blood brings life (nutrients, oxygen)
- Removes toxins
- Camera sees blood flow with program that can interpret that blood flow
- Camera has 8 lenses and can record 100,000 videos in a short period of time with 100 millions calculations to assess micro blood flow
- Determines how much blood flows through each vessel
- Determines recruitment capacity (how much stored blood near tissues)
- Determines how quickly can replace “burned” oxygen
- Measures blood volume dynamic
- How much blood gets to micro vessels
- How much blood is absorbed into
- How thick is glycocalyx
- Glycocalyx score gives info on how healthy vessels are
- Tells if is at risk
- In measurement 3 to 7 are average scores
- Over 7 is minimal risk of vascular event
- At 90 days start to see some change
- Kidenys, lungs, heart are affected first
- Glycocalyx is a thin layer that grows up from endothelium (inside of micro vessel) which protects the wall
- Has redox signaling molecules that bind to it
- Is a gate keeper for oxygen
- It releases toxins
- Signaling molecules and glycocalyx with polysaccharide hair form protective coat that protects the wall against damage.
- When hairs are moving, it allows nitric oxide allowing vessels to dilate crucial for heart and vessel health
- Is responsible for vaso motion
- Once glycocalyx damaged, he disease process can take place
- Tis happens only where vascular system is compromised, not where lining
- These hairs know when to let oxygen
- Arteries have muscles in them which flex to push blood through vessel
- When blood gets to micro level, it is only one cell thick
- They also tag stuff so WBC can go after them
- We can see how healthy glycocalyx is and with calculations about all different vessels
- Damage to these hairs is first sign of vessel damage
- We lose smallest vessels first
- When vessels get smaller than a red blood cell, all the nutrients will be squeezed out
- We have more “4” the smallest vessels than any other vessels in body
- Every cell is near a “4”
- Lose the “4” first, then the “5”, and then have hypertension.
- PEMF wiggles the hair and will make blood go through areas where the glycocalyx hairs are healthy and there is blood flow
- Does not change the damaged areas
- Thickest glycocalyx is the gut barrier
- The second thickness is blood brain barrier
- Third thickest is Outside of eyeball
- Fourth is blood vessels
What destroys glycocalyx
- Sugar, stress, covid, stress hormones, hypertension, high sodium intake, ager, heavy metals, chemicals
- Not only eat clean, don’t put self in toxic area where body is the filter
When glycocalyx is damaged
- Anything in blood such as heavy metals can scratch the wall, making a hole, can cause sepsis,
- calcification of the arteries.
- Plaque and clots build up inside of vessel
- In kidney, the kidney thick, dense, muscles need 4, 5, 6 size vessels to get blood.
- kidney is first organ whose muscles are damaged with poor glycocalyx
- kidney filters are all made of glycocalyx
- in diabetics, high sugars strip away glycocalyx causing proteins to leak into kidney shutting kidney down
- kidney disease in last couple of years: from one out of nine to one out of seven die from kidney failure
- Our GFR should be 100, but some health agency changed the definition to 60
- We won’t know we have a problem, until are GFR reaches 30
- We will be able to urinate normally even if in stage 5 kidney disease
- In stages 1, 2, 3 of kidney failure, diet alone would have turned it around
- When you hit stage 4, (30 % function) are on an aggressive downhill slope towards kidney failure.
- They won’t mention kidney problems until reach 30 % functioning
- One patient in ICU, his renal function went up from 9 % to 16 % on endocalyx
- One study patient went from 40 to 80 % kidney function
- Destruction of the glycocalyx is first symptom of progression towards, heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, strokes, septic shock, dementia, inflammatory disorders
- Are not sodium sensitive until have lost the glycocalyx
- Glycocalyx as buffer between the wall and what gets through to the blood to the extra tissue
- If eat high sodium, it seeps through wall into tissue, takes four times as long to get salt back to kidney. This creates high blood pressure within 20 minutes of eating salt meal.
- Not everyone with damaged glycocalyx as high blood pressure after a salty meal
- 75 % of people do
- 25 % of people with high blood pressure have a healthy glycocalyx.
- Having a healthy glycocalyx, people are not salt sensitive and do not get high blood pressure after a salty meal because the salt stays inside the vessel rather than seeping out
- Our blood pressure only reacts to salt if the glycocalyx is damaged
- Mark Houston said if low aldosterone/ renin level, are salt sensitive which can affect the choice of blood pressure. medications
Endocalyx pro
- Are over one dozen studies that it regrows Glycocalyx
- It can reverse kidney issues
- Cab keep heart, tissues, kidneys healthy
- Helps with gum disease
- Made from seven plant based nutrients found in Blue Zones
- Contains precoidan, a seaweed – helps polysaccharide to grow hair.
- 50 pounds condenses into one capsule
- No way to eat this much good food
- Contains precoidan, a seaweed – helps polysaccharide to grow hair.
- Can see new hairs growing from endothelium with in 24 hours
- With the hair is
- Adds protective coating
- Lets nutrients through
- When stressed, hairs wiggle and release nitric oxide allowing dilation and movement through vessels
- It grows glycocalyx from underneath plaque
- White blood cells get under it and eat it all up
- It does not push it along to block elsewhere
- Is patented as is the technology
helps with spike protein
- Glycocalyx helps push out spike protein per studies
- Studies in ICU
- Half of the
- ventilator
- Closer ICU patientsgot to death, glycocheck reading decreased