Dickson Thom, DDS, ND

Bioregulatory Medicine

Aired on March 8, 2019

Episode Description

Sick has become the new normal as the numbers of chronically ill adults and children is increasing. Bioregulatory Medicine offers an introduction to the most comprehensive medical model for personalized medicine and the prevention and treatment of chronic and degenerative illness. In direct contrast to the mainstream allopathic medical approaches in the US, bioregulatory medicine, which is well-established in Europe, views health as much more than an absence of symptoms or disease. Rather, good health is defined as a mode of being comfortable, balanced, mindful and happy. Using a sophisticated synthesis of the very best natural medicine with modern advances in technology, bioregulatory medicine addresses the four pillars of health – drainage and detox, diet, mind-body medicine and oral health – in order to treat the root causes of disease and enable the body’s innate ability to heal.

  • He became interested
    • He was wondering how to minimize exposure to toxicity
      • For example, putting mercury in amalgams in teeth
      • This encouraged him to study other modalities such as naturopathy, homeopathy and Ayurveda
      • He found that the common goal of these disciplines was how to get the body homeostasis back into balance / balance

It is not about a disease or diagnosis.

  • Bioregulatory medicine is the exploration beyond the disease, beyond the sign or symptom
    • Look for how we allow the body to reregulate itself; i.e., how do we get the body back into homeostasis
    • It is not a quick fix
  • The symptoms are a sign of a problem – it is not the main problem itself.
    • The symptom is a sign that there are multiple organ systems out of balance.
      • Typically, there are multi systems that out of balance
    • Specialists look at only one system
      • Patients may feel better, but they don’t necessarily get better
      • The physicians manage chronic diseases; they are disease practitioners
    • For example
      • a headache
        • Need to look at underlying imbalances and look at the blood pressure; blood sugar; spine alignment; hydration status; how they were sleeping; body composition; is there water inside / outside cells; response of the nervous system to stress
      • The issue is not to just give thyroid hormone, but to ask why the thyroid is not functioning properly
        • Have to look at all endocrine organs as they are interdependent
        • Is the lymphatic system adequate?
        • Is the digestive system supported?
        • What food are you eating?
        • Are you getting enough sleep?
      • A cold
        • Taking mucinex for a runny nose goes against what the body needs for healing
        • The best antibiotic is a fever, which helps the healing process
        • In 99 % of circumstances, the body turns off the fever at 105.5
          • People are worried about temperatures of 99
          • He encourages people to raise their temperature
            • This may increase achiness, but this speeds up the haling
            • Some studies show that fevers can result in a higher IQ because of they way the brain waves are stimulated
            • , take an Epsom salt bath to recreate the fever to speed the healing, drink fluids broths for colds ad flues
          • Cholesterol
            • Only 20 % of cholesterol is connected to diet
            • 80 % of our cholesterol is made by our livers
            • Need to look at liver,
              • stress which increases LDL
              • look to see if body sympathetic dominant state
            • cholesterol is the material from which we make our hormones so don’t want cholesterol too low.
            • Lowering cholesterol can interfere with the repair process
          • Only 5 % of all lab tests are outside normal values because that is the way normal is defined. (normal id defined to include 95 % of people many of whom are ill)
            • He looks for optimal lab values, not “normal” lab values
          • This is not the same as functional medicine
            • Functional medicine does lots of tests and then treats the test
              • For example, if amino acid tests show an amino acid imbalance, the answer is not to give missing amino acids but to ask why these amino acids are missing
                • Are these amino acids being taken in?
                • Typically, the amino acids are low because multiple organ systems are out of balance.
              • Example heavy metals.
                • It is not about taking a compound to get rid of the heavy metal, but the question is why the body can’t eliminate these compounds on their own.
                • Why are the emunctories (elimination channels) not being efficient?
                  • Toxins are removed through urine, kidneys, digestive system, bowel movements, lungs, through skin, emotional emunctory
                    • A connection between the brain and illness – brain and depression, anxiety, insomnia
                  • These problems might have started before our conception
                    • The problem is to see what happened before coming to the doctor and reprogramming these reactions
                    • We respond to circumstance in a specific way because how we chose our parents, how we are raised, whether we have siblings, what happened to organs in the formative years.
                    • Chinese system how different organ systems mature at different stages of development
                      • Women fully mature 33 – 35
                      • Mend don’t mature their nervous system until age 25- 28.
                    • Statistically, the ages that people go to the doctor
                      • Women over age 40
                      • Men over age 50
                    • Naturopaths
                      • Some are gravitating towards the allopathic model to be accepted
                      • Naturopaths are a big step beyond allopathy, but they don’t go far enough
                      • They may respond similarly as an allopath by substituting an herb for a pharmaceutical
                      • However, they talk about diet, movement, sleep
                      • In other countries, physicians may offer herbs or homeopathic remedies p the US lags in this area (Is this due to the AMA?)
                      • We don’t need double blind cross over studies
                      • Scientific basis is 2000 years of history such as in Chinese Medicine.
                        • Most pharmaceuticals have never had a double-blind cross over study
                        • Prozac is used for depression, PMS (but there are no studies for PMS)
                    • Dentistry
                      • Teeth are on meridians and can cause a problem in distant organ
                      • g., Wisdom teeth are connected to the heart
                      • g. develop a heart condition which can be related to teen years
                        • When the cardiovascular system is developing energetically
                        • May have a first “broken heart “
                        • when a wisdom tooth is coming in and brain picks up the problem as connected to the wisdom tooth
                        • hence the heart can be paying for something that happened 50 years previously.
                      • Amalgams the American Dental Association (ADA) had this patent so each time mercury (a biohazard) was put into a mouth, the ADA received a royalty.
                      • The amalgam leaks mercury constantly, and the mercury is deposited in another organ.
                        • The dentist only looks at the tooth, not at the body holistically
                        • Taking the amalgams out gives the greatest exposure
                        • This has a synergistic effect with other heavy metals
                        • Mercury cannot be transported across international waters
                          • How do dentists dispose of the toxic mercury
                          • Mercury has been removed from vaccines (but replaced with aluminum
                          • Mercury thermometers are no longer in use
                        • Chewing gum or brushing teeth, causes mercury vapors to be emitted.
                      • Recommendations: What we can do for ourselves
                        • Be more inquisitive as to why we have this condition
                        • Be more forthright with practitioner
                        • Ask for what the cause is.
                        • Natural laws
                          • It is the internal immune system that makes us sick with microbes
                          • Stress, diet, sleep, toxins such as mercury fillings can be triggers
                          • Drink fluids one half body weight in ounces
                            • Coffee, juice, alcohol don’t count
                            • approximately 9 glasses of water per day
                          • Diet
                            • Whole food – can you name the food
                              • If you can’t name it, you can’t eat it
                              • That is if it has a label, then you can’t eat it.
                              • Minimize food out of a box or package
                              • Need ten different colour foods per day to reduce lung, heart disease and cancer
                            • Sleep5 – 8 hours
                              • Needed for repair.
                              • Growth hormone needed at night
                              • If less sleep, are using false energy
                              • Sleep in dark away from electronic devices
                                • The electronic devices have unwanted waves
                              • Have fun, how to you relax and get into parasympathetic state
                                • Rest and heal state
                              • Move
                                • Walking 150 minutes per week
                                • Thom recommended the Youtube video Twenty three and a half hours by Dr. Evans
                                  • Is 8.5 minutes long

Book Bioregulatory Medicine: am Innovative Holistic Approach to self-healing

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