Dr Armin Schwarzbach, MD, PhD

Infection, Immunity and Inflammation underlying our health

Aired on: Jan 17, 2025

Show Notes

Underlying all health conditions are inflammation and oxidative stress.  These are all intimately interconnected.  For example, there is a high correlation between Epstein Barr Virus and Multiple Sclerosis.  This is particularly relevant as the spike protein has reactivated dormant viruses which had been under control in the body.

Healing approaches that attack each of these individually are not sufficient.   For example, while piecemeal approaches such as healing the gut, helping the liver detox, etc. are useful, these may be only treating infection manifestations rather than the underlying cause.  Finding the underlying source if the inflammation is essential. Stealth infections are often involved.

Dr. Schwarzbach has a program with which the listener can fill a health form find possible underlying source of infection.  He then provides tests are offered to confirm the underlying steal infection. and herbal protocols.  More can be learned on his website www.armin.org.  Also, von www.OccupyHealth.com, a summary of this interview and his health questionnaire and proposed herbal remedies are provided.

Dr. Armin Schwarzback,MD, PhD

Armin is a specialist for laboratory medicine and infectious diseases from Augsburg, Germany. He has been working in the field of diagnostic tests for Borrelia burgdorferi and coinfections for more than 20 years. Armin has tested more than 50,000 patients for different tick-borne diseases and multiple infections.  His expertise in diagnosing and treating infectious diseases is second to none, having tested over 20,000 patients.e in diagnosing and treating infectious diseases is second to none, having tested over 20,000 patients.

Dr. Armin Schwarzback,MD, PhD


  • Inflammation contribute to most chronic conditions including mental health conditions
  • Underlying most chronic illnesses isa stealth infection which leads to inflammation and a decrease in immune function. .
  • Stealth infections can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites.
  • Dr. Scwharzbach calls these the three Is. Infection, inflammation, andimmune suppression
  • These underly many undiagnosed conditionand typically are making chronic conditions worse
  • These can contribute to mitochondria problems and fatigue
  • For example, covid reactivates viruses which were typically dormant and not contributing damage to the body.
  • These latent infections might underly or exacerbate autoimmune diseases
  • Lot of asymptomatic pts got sick because infection.
  • Other names for infections that exacerbate conditions include PANs, PANDAs, long covie
  • Other conditions triggered by latent infections include rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, fibro myalgia, Parkinson’s Disease, and possible cancer
  • Viruses spread throughout the body, aand for example Lyme can attack, inflame, and destroy many body structures.
  • Treating underlying infections  will remove inflammation and immune suppression thur improving mitochondria health and reducing fatigue

Reactivation of dormant Viruses

  • Covid has reactivated dormant viruses
  • As one ages, the immunity system is less efficient activating dormant viruses.
    • For example, as a child, the immune system might keep juvenile arthritis under control but with old age, the immune system is not as strong and rheumatoid arthritis occurs.
  • toxin, yeast, geopathic stress, stress can trigger all these infections
  • Vaccine can result in immune suppression and the reactivation varicella, HSVviruses
    •  He suggests taking vitamin C with vaccine
    • Overboosting adversely affects immunity

His Approach

  • Treat the Infection
    • On his website, www.armin.org he has a questionnaire which one can take
    • The results of this questionnaire indicate which underlying infections are likely
    • Tests can be performed to see which of the likely viruses are activated
    • If the patient of the treating physician has questions, they can contact Dr. Armin with questions
    • Treat the underlying infection (he has herbal protocols)
  • The approaches are to increase immune strength and to treat the underlying infection
  • Treat the gut as many bacteria and viruses reside there
    • Coxsackie and Epstein Barr Virus live in the gut sand pread from there
  • Drink 3 liters per day
  • Avoid toxins such as  glyphosate EMFas they open up the gut and brain barriers

Improvement of the Immune System

  • Improved through diet, nutrient supplements, good sleep, gut health
  • Avoid toxins such as heavy metals, microplastics, drinking “dirty” water
  • Diet: no meat, sugar, gluten, and lactose (if there is a lactose sensitivity)
  • Supplements
    • Vitamin C (e.g. lemons), curcumin, Zinc, liposomalglutathione   Vitamin D/K2
    • Magnesium malate 
    • Buburpinella for toxins coming out ot the liver.  These need to be bound so they can be eliminated and not recirculated   in the body
    • L lysine anti viral   for covid immune helpful  (While lysine will helap against some viruses, arginine can have the opposite effect on the viruses
    • Tacunaaltuna
    • Some need transfer factors such colostrum for immune health by helping  natural killer cells
    • Some colloidal silver, methylene blue
  • Other
    • Light therapy Hyperbaric oxygen try for a couple of months
    • IV therapy: vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, curcumin, artesunate
  • Not everything helps everyone
  • There could be a herxheimer reaction meaning might feel worse initially as some “bugs” die off


  • He cured a patient who had multiple sclerosis and was wheel chair bound by treating the underlying Lyme disease
  • 60 % of patients with Multiple Sclerosis have underlying Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)
  • 70 % of patients with long covid have an underlying EBV infection
    • Covid reactivates dormant viruses includingEBV
  • chlamydia pneumonia
  •  A research paper showed that 70 – 80% of patients with juvenile diabetes suffer from the coxsackie virus
  • pathogens can move everywhere in body intercellular transport vy monocytes and macrophages
    • They can go to the spinal cord resulting in multiple sclerosis, ALS, motor neuron disease or even Alzheimer’s Disease
  • We can get these infections from pet such as dogs and horses and we can give it to our pets
    • For example we can get chlamydia pneumonia from horses
    • Multiple sclerosis is highly associated with chlamydiapneumonia
  • enterococcus can lead to/ exacerbateosteoporosis

Cold hands and feet

  • could indicate and infection with microclots which in the worse case can lead to a clot
  • The system needs oxygen (exercise, fresh air, water; no alcohol or sugar)
  • The spike protein increases clots
  • Can use nattokinase and dandelion to support anti coagulation
  • Note, Dr. Klinghardt stated that nattokinase can separate spike proteins from their attached amino acids which frees the spike protein so it could do a lot of damage

Connection Histamine intolerance

  • We are full of antibodies which fight infections
  • Mast cells and macrophages along with complement factors c3a and c4a destroy pathogens
  • Mast cells and macrophages release these antibodies
  • Excess antibodies contain too many antibodies
  • He recommends garlic, onions, fish and tomatoes

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