Andy Thomas

Health Info Censorship: A Conspiracy Theory?

Aired on: August 9, 2019

Health Info Censorship: A Conspiracy Theory? with Andy Thomas



  • Conspiracies: The Facts, The theories, The Evidence
  • Truth Agenda: making sense of the Unexplained Mysteries, Global Coverupsamd Visions for a New Era
  • Vital Signs Vital Signs: A Complete Guide to the Crop Circle Mystery and Why It Is Not a Hoax
  • There is massive health information censorship in US
    • The authorities are censoring views that the government condemns as heresy.
    • How long will it take before censorship will expand to other areas
    • He believes when the internet companies learn they are “publishers” rather than a neutral platform, these companies will be fearful and comply
    • Science that does not agree with government views is marginalized
    • Canada has praised GMO based on over 216 studies; 211 of these studies by Monsanto
      • Cf, the EG Vallianatos interview the lab where herbicides were studied did not exist
      • Independent research results do not agree
        • For exampleSeralini’s work (he was targeted by Monsanto)
        • Arpad Pusztai: Monsanto called President Clinton who called Tony Blair (UK prime minister) who then closed the research
        • US Land grant Universities who do research are motivate to give results wanted by Monsanto
    • For EMF, check podcasts by Devra Davis, Guy Hudson, Karl Maret, and Lena Pu
    • For information about GMO, check the podcasts by Jeffrey Smith, Stephanie Seneff

His Motivation

  • He seeks to find out what goes on below the surface
  • Has had an interest in crop circles, UFOs and was convinced that the authorities and mainstream media were not giving the truth
  • This made him believe that this was going on in many areas
  • He is open minded about these topics
  • He believes that anything that can enhance human beings is being removed making it easier for humans to be controlled
    • An educated public is harder to keep under their thumb
    • They realizes the majority won’t notice information removal, and the people who notice will be a minority that have no voice
      • He does not believe this will work because the suppressed data will be too large and the authorities will be held to account
      • We must preserve this information
      • Eg. California senator Pan wants to pass legislation that it is a crime to question vaccine information

Reasons for Censorship

  • Corporate Profits
  • This concerns him as there are important conversations that are needed, but these are hidden from view
    • He is concerned that if we don’t halt this trajectory, it would be hard to see if we have any voice at all within five years

A deeper agenda?

  • Some believe there is a deeper agenda to keep the humans at a lower level with poorer health, homogenize everyone so they are controllable
    • They appear to not want us to be well without using their conduit
      • The Documentary Digital Gulag shown on UK ITV showed in China people were monitored every second of the day, and a wrong word or facial expression results in being thrown into education camps
      • He feels China is a test bed for monitoring and control
      • China uses Western technology to control and monitor
        • US does not speak out because US wants the Chinese trade
  • If this censorship continues for a few years, people who question orthodoxy will be viewed as dangerous.  (note ,US Homeland Security memo in early 2020s declared that anyone who makes the government “look bad” is a domestic terrorist)
    • People are being trained to view those who question as dangerous to society

Subtle increases in Censorship

  • While China is authoritarian, he speculates that such approaches are being brought into the West more gently
    • He cites the increasing censorship
      • Videos are rapidly vanishing
      • Experts who appeared on page 1 of Google searches now end up on page 26
        • Kelly Brogan and Joseph Mercola
      • There appears to be an agenda to give many vaccines; and questioning is not tolerated
        • For example, Greenmedinfo raised questions.  As a result Mailchimp stopped sending out their emails
        • AlsoPinterest, Facebook, Vimeo, Amazon Prime (Congressman Adam Schiff told them to remove my documentary, The Big Secret
          • Amazon Prime wrote letter stating they were sorry to take off Eric Merola’s documentary on Burzynski cancer cures because it appeared to help thousands

Younger Generations

  • He believes the younger generation were brought up to see alternative views/ those questioning conformity as threats rather than an interesting view
    • This results in alternative views as being seen as dangerous
    • Younger generation demand “science” for alternative views
      • Each generation rebels against the previous generation.  Currently they are rebelling against the generation that rebelled in the 1960s
      • Conformity seems to be more appealing to the younger generation
    • Youth are encouraged to rebel in particular channels such as climate change

5G and EMF

  • Being sold as helping the planet
  • Yet the darker side that everything one does can be monitored is not mentioned
  • Note, Boris Johnson’s comment that 5 G can cull us.
  • They do not publish results that do not agree with orthodoxy
  • Hardell in Sweden hs done studies showing cell phones and cordless phones are associated with if not causative with brain glioblastomas and acoustic neruomas
  • The American Toxicology study showed an association with EMF and brain glioblastomas and heart schwannomas
  • Hugh Taylor (Yale) and Suleman Kaplan independently showed that rodent fetal exposure to EMF resulted in brain changes particularly in the hippocampus
  • Studies show cell phones affect the quality and number of sperm
  • Some frequencies in 5 G resonate at the frequency of our DNA
  • EMF opens the blood brain barrier, opens up the gut barrier and interferes with intercellular communication
  • OlieJohannson said in Sweden, 5 % of the population have a diagnosis of electromagneticsensitivity
  • In the UK people protested against the police using a frequency with tetra waves which can interfere with human brain waves
  • Swiss farmers, their animals and plants became sick when cell towers were placed
  • On our cell phone we pick up frequencies from many routers.  This is a large exposure.
  • Hopefully, people will view that the coverup was wrong and that something has to change
  • We are in a huge scientific experiment on the human race
    • We might repeat the history we had with exposing the dangers of cigarettes

People are getting sicker

  • Some studies prepose that health starts to decrease at age 27
  • Most young folks have at least one chronic disease

Who is they?

  • The richest people

What can we do about the global agenda?

  • Share information in all mediums (print, online)
  • They must carefully offer information and make it appealing
    • Need to be careful not to get angry that people aren’t aware
    • Be careful in tone
  • Just open the door and state this is interesting to discuss
  • People in their hearts want freedom and freedom of information
  • No regime has kept information hidden forever.
  • Concerning the book 1984, the author acknowledges that it will not last forever
    • In Orwell’s and Huxley’s books they destroy history
  • Keep opening the door and never give in
  • Become aware of real history not history they present
  • If you are concerned, go do something