Vince Giuliano
Healthy Longevity
Date Aired: February 16, 2018
Episode Description
People are living longer lives than in the past. With the aging of the baby boomers, the percentage of people older than sixty- five will comprise more than 22 % of the population by 2030. Unfortunately, age-associated chronic diseases and conditions are increasing just as fast. It is not likely that there will be a single scientific breakthrough that will extend our life expectancies. Rather Dr. Giuliano believes that life extension will be through a series of small steps including small hermetic challenges to positively tweak our metabolic functioning in a positive direction One such tweak is caloric restriction, intermittent fasting. Others include small exposures to other stressful situation such as cold and exercise
Life span has increased
- Cavemen lived til age 22
- Last year leveling off
- 100 years ago 50
- Today lifespan from birth 80 – 81
- Universal, biological response
- Every species has a typical lifespan
- varies by species
- Lasting minutes to millennia
- Lifespan of an individual is tiny compared to the Universe.
- We won’t live forever
- We can probably expand lifespan to 115
- Can we expand our lifespan to maximal age known (122)
- He believes that genetics plays only 12 – 15 % of contribution to our health
- Epigenetics what activates, turns off and keeps genes in healthy balance
Reasons for increasing life span
- Vaccines,
- clean air,
- water,
- sanitation
- Learned what microbes are
- Fewer people are smoking
European Countries may have a longer life expectancy
Evolution protects the species rather than the individual
- Did not want older people to be consuming resources
- We can hack this
- He believes we improve our health incrementally with a series of small hacks
- Many incremental things we can do
- The aging programs has many facets. Are many things to do
- For example what can you do to keep car going – lots of things
- Greatest achievement is extending life span of auto using total quality management
- Found out what worked, stayed with it and then move on to something else
- For example getting up and walking every hour
- Is not one magic pills
- You have to work at this
- Many folks have chronic diseases
- Does not look encouraging doing what we are doing now
- Found out what worked, stayed with it and then move on to something else
Health is multi dimensional
- So there are many interventions
- Varies by individual
- Use best knowledge available. We are all different
Why are we aging prematurely
- Exposure to too many stresses
- Too many Chemicals
- Too much exercise
- Oxidative Stress
- Some biological pathways may not function that well
- Epigenetics
- Relies on methylation
- Can reverse some of methylation patterns
- Can reverse aging in selective dimensions.
- Research on reversing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
- , Dale Bredesen
- Pharma anticlonal, mono clonal treatment
- Aging clocks
- Hair grey, teeth
- Zymo research. Tests for different genes
- PSK-9 inhibitors
- Prevent Cardiovascular disease by turning of cholesterol in every cell
- We need cholesterol in every cell for cell walls and hormones
- Make statins obsolete
- Traditional pharmacological approach take a pill to manage situation
- Prevent Cardiovascular disease by turning of cholesterol in every cell
- Research on reversing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
- Relies on methylation
- If you don’t use it, you lose it
- If you want to live long you need stress: physical and metal stress
- Need serious mental and social challenges
- Hormesis a little bit of stress produces strong stress resistance
- Need stress: too much can kill you
- Trigger strong epigenetic response
- Little bit of radiation is good for us because it upgrades radiation defenses.
- Tight blood pressure cuff increases blood flow by 40 %
- Cold stress gets cold in am and pm
- Activate heat shock proteins and cold shock proteins
- Hot saunas. Heat shock programs
- Polar bear swimmers who go under ice
- Make now angels, then jump in hot sauna
- Put new soldiers under lots of stress
- Caloric Restriction
- Stresses metabolic system
- Activates upgrades certain proteins
- Suppress pathway MTOR
- Produces healthy response
- Increase sirtuins,
- Increases FOX O gene
- Monitor what makes you bright in the morning and gives you energy
- Monitor what takes energy away
- Start with simple things
- Respect own body patters of sleep and awake
- Respect daily circadian clock
- Diet is extremely important
- He like Mediterranean diet
- Fruits and vegetables are still alive when you eat them.
- These cells have stress response
- These upgrade own stress chemicals.
- Not too many preserved meats
- Minimize meats
- Fruits and vegetables are still alive when you eat them.
- Eat fish
- He does not believe in a particular dietary protocol
- Vitamin D 3
- Fish oils, essential omega three oil
- Supplements
- Ashwaganda
- Ginger
- Boswellia
- Curcumin with liposomal and nano technology
- He like Mediterranean diet
Diseases that kill you have. A lot of inflammation