Charles Hoffe MD
Doctors vs. Government science: Which is Correct?
Aired on: Feb 11, 2025
Show Notes
Dr. Hoffe describes his experience when he reported his medical observations which contradicted the government science. He was persecuted and his office burned down in a village fire ( a fire that left many trees intact). He lost his livelihood, his practice and his family after he shared his experiences with the community. For patients who did not report any vaccine injuries, her reported that 62 % of these injury free patients had elevated dimer levels which indicates a risk for strokes.

Charles Hoffe, MD: Doctors vs. Government Science: Which is correct?
- There has been rampant censorship of medical information
Dr. Hoffe’s story
- He was an emergency room doctor in his community and had a private practicefor 28 years
- The Canadian government persecuted him for speaking truths about the covid “shots”, he lost his practice (village burned down), he lost his wife, his family
His Sequential history
- His patients were indigenous people who were targeted to get vaccines as they were considered at risk
- He communicated with his colleagues that they had to take note that they had liability risks for not informing patients about the side effects from vaccines.
- This note was sent to authorities who placed a gag order on him and told him he was not allowed to say anything negative about the vaccine shots and that all his communication needed to be directed to a designated authority not to his colleagues
- He noticed serious neurological effects from the vaccines
- In a letter, he asked the designated authority and asked how to treat the neurological vaccine effects
- This letter to the designated authority was sent to the licensing authorities who viewed in as a complaint and not as a medical inquiry
- At this point, he felt the public needed to know. About the vaccine side effects, so he sent an open letter to the provincial health officer in British Columbia (Bonnie Henry), stating
- He working in ER and in his clinic, has not treated one patient with covid
- There were six people who within 72 hours of receiving the vaccine were seriously injured.
- It appeared to him that the vaccine was more dangerous than the disease covid.
- The British Columbia health officer referred Dr. Hoffe to the top vaccine safety expert in his province Monica Naus who assured him that vaccines did not do what Dr. Hoffe observed.
- The College of Physicians and Surgeons sent a warning letter to every doctor that if they spread “misinformation” that they would be investigated and disciplined.
- This created the illusion of physician compliance / consensus
- The population did not know the doctors were threatened to keep quiet
- He at this point (2021) had reported 14 vaccine injured patients all of which, were down denied and censored. He realized the vaccine reporting system was a cover up and there was censorship on a massive scale
- he was upset when the vaccine was approved for babies as young as 6 months
- Covid was no risk to children, and there were massive bad side effects from the shots
- The average age of covid deaths was 83, the same people who typically died from the flu
- They were not allowing children to participate in school of sports. Unless they received the shots
- This did not make sense as children have a natural immunity
- (and a 99.99 % chance of surviving covid).
- Because of his concern, he went on a local speaking tour across Western Canada
- Because he was not keeping silent on what he observed as a first hand witness, he Government issued a citation against him
- Because he told an emergency room nurse, that a person with proven natural immunity to covid, did not need to be vaccinated, he was fired
- He tried to figure out what was causing the vaccine injuries and did a study
- Pfizer knew that the vaccine contents traveled throughout the body and traveled through the blood vessels
- He knew that the vaccine spike proteins would travel to the endothelial around blood vessels
- The capillaries have the greatest surface area and is where the blood slows down so this is where the spike protein is likely to cause clots
- He found that 62 % of folks who apparently had no covid shot side effect symptoms had hig DIMER readings meaning they had small clots they did not know about
- Pfizer knew that the vaccine contents traveled throughout the body and traveled through the blood vessels
- In an interview he described his tests where asymptomatic shot recipientshad increased, high DIMER following the shots
Unusual fire burns his practice and his village
- One week later, a fire storm (not a wildfire)
- The fire took 23 minutes for the fire to engulf the entire town
- the kind of fire where many trees did not catch fire and houses with blue roofs were not affected
- He fled from his office and lost everything including his stethoscope
- As his office had been destroyed by the fire, the Medical Authorities filed a complaint that he had abandoned his patients
- He believes the fires are done for the same reason as the pandemics, massive government financial handouts, and wars to create debt working towards the great reset.
- If a country can not pay its debt, the currency collapses and then a digital currency is brought in where the government has total control ow what people buy and eat.
- The great Reset would be digital slavery because with digital IDs and digital money, everything can be controlled
- Society can be manipulated through fear, confusion and societal pressure
- One Canadian doctor was fined $20,000, and they took his medical license away
- His lawyer, Lee turner had assembled testimony from 8 experts. To refute every charge against him (Dr. McCullough, Dr. Thorpe, Dr. Kory)
- At one time they booked the trial when his lawyer was not available
- The Medical Authorities attempted to use Judicial Notice against him
- The court dictates that government “facts” are irrefutably correct and cannot be contested
- That is the courts dictated that the vaccines were safe and effective and did not cause problems
- This meant that neither he nor the experts could testify because they are not allowed to contradict the government’s “facts”
- Judicial Notice is used to bury evidence
- Cf. interview with Alix Mayer
- The court dictates that government “facts” are irrefutably correct and cannot be contested
The Science
- Science is all about debate and investigation and questioning. It requires different viewpoints to advance.
- They controlled the media and shut down free speech
- Democracy requires discussion not government promulgation
- Any one over age 40 has a 99.99 % chance of surviving covid
- In Dr. Hoffe’s practice no one died of covid: in Canada, it was the elderly with comorbid conditions that died.
- He was surprised that Africans were not affected by covid, and only 6 % received the vaccine. He speculates it is because they did not watch the fear propaganda on TV
- Physicians have been using ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for decades without downside risks
- Two articles with government “misinformation” had to be retracted from the prestigious Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine
- Studies on hydroxychloroquine were rigged because they did not use zinc which was necessary or used too high a dose
- Also people were not considered vaccinated until two weeks after the last shot (meaning people with immediate reactions are considered not vaccinated
- Sweden did not lock down, and there was no difference in outcome.
Why/ how did people comply?
- So few people realized how senseless the public health message was
- For example people knew masks did not help
- Covid virus is 1.5 microns
- The holes in the expensive N 95 mask is 20 microns
- They knew that masks could not stop smoke through the masks
- For example people knew masks did not help
- People wanted to trust the government, the health care system and the media
- Is is terrifying not to trust these organizations
- People lost all critical thinking skills
- The media used fear and intimidation to get people to comply
- The media caused people to fear the unvaccinated who were discriminated against.
- They threatened the doctors if they were guilty
Who deceived us?
- The government, the media and public health
- They have told us lies
- The strongest predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour
- This was globally orchestrated because almost every country marched to the same tune they all spread the same lies, used the same tactics
Take away message
- Remember who deceived us (government, public health authorities and the media
- If they do it once, they can do it again.
- One needs to develop critical thinking skills and evaluate everything we are told
- When something does not make sense, it probably is not true.