Chris Downey

Consumer Vaccine Decision Making

Aired On: Feb 7, 2025

Show Notes

How do we decide which vaccines we should take?  This is a polarized issue making it hard to get good information.   Chris Downey has formed an organization vaxcalc which compiles massive data which can guide us in making these decisions.

He states common mistakes parents make when. Making such decisions include

·      Falling for media scare stories,

·      Not knowing contents of interventions

·      Giving into societal pressures

·      Not thinking of oneself as an empowered consumer

·      Ignoring “gut “ feelings

·      Not belonging to a lifestyle community

Chris Downey, founder of VaxCalc

Chris is the founder and Director of VaxCalc Labs, the informed consent technology company. VaxCalc’s purpose is to create a happier, healthier, more scientific and resilient world by empowering each individual to make their own vaccination decisions – with the tools, technology, planning capability, research and community they need to do it.

VaxCalc is the first business that celebrates vaccine hesitancy, providing a structured process, compassionate support, and a global online community for informed vaccination decision-making. VaxCalc expresses Chris’s dream of creating a powerful force for good in the world by overcoming censorship, strengthening and spreading freedom, and creating community.

Chris has a strong background in databases and software development, having worked and trained at IBM’s International Systems Center in Gaithersburg MD, built bank regulation software at the Federal Reserve Board, and consulted on Wall Street at DLJ.

He founded and ran an early dot-com company that made use of customized machine learning tools to identify important trends in online discussion such as discovering the first mentions of natural dog food at a time when the manufacturers were extending the shelf-life and still pushing the idea that dogs should eat corn.

Vaccine Decision making with Chris Downey of Vaxcalc

  • Society is polarized around the question of vaccines
  • He gives people tools and confidence to make their own decisions
  • If you don’t have a plan, someone else has a plan for you (CDC, peridatritian
  • His program Vaxcalx has tool custom vaccination plan
    • Parents put together vaccines they might want
      • All the ingredients are listed
      • The totality is listed if they choose multiple shots.
    • Sometimes shots include six vaccines
    • Has a health expert chat bot
    • He provides a like mindedcommunity
  • Most pediatricians follow the CDC schedule but many states require fewer vaccines

His background

  • He was always concerned about informed consent
  • He never questioned vaccines until he saw that ll the pediatricians
  • His wife worked for public relations for pharmaceutical companies
    • saw that pharmaceutical companies would describe studies to conclude what they wanted the study to say
  • He was frustrated that pediatricians could never explain why a particular vaccine was needed
    • The pediatricians threatened to “report” him
    • He wondered if the pediatricians were all lying to him or someone was lying to them
    • He wondered if someone wanted to use his daughter for some purpose
  • He investigated and studied VAERs, started reading package inserts.

Vaccine hesitancy

  • Questioning due to not totally understanding benefits vs side effects
  • Shows people are questioning things people are told not to question
    • America is founded on this: it is in our culture

Tops mistakes parents typically make

  • Falling for media scare stories
    • Fear, confusion, and societal pressure are tactics used to control people
    • There were studies during the covid pandemic on what were the best messages to scare or shame people into vaccinating. 
  • Not knowing contents of vaccines
    • Are there neurotoxins
    • What safety standards are there for these ingredients?
    • Toxin exposures are synergistic so multiple exposures is more dangerous than the sum of the damages from each toxin
      • Each toxin operates by different mechanisms
    • Multiples vaccines increase the exposure to toxic ingredients
    • Babies’ immune systems are not developed sufficiently
    • Some folks don’t want ingredients from fetal cells, or from cruelly treated animals
    • He has FDA slides where they discussed that they do not know the carcinogeniceffects of immortal cell lines used in vaccines
  • Giving into societal pressures
    • Falling into pressures despite the uneasy feelings in one’s gut
    • To protect ones children, parent should need to develop the ability to feel comfortable making the other person feel uncomfortable
      • Book Gavin deBeckerProtecting the Giftand The Gift of Fear
        • He provided security to RFK jr
        • Is top expert on violence and figuring out threats
        • Humans are the only mammals that teach to ignore “gut” feelings and to cooperate with predators
  • Parents don’t know how to recognize a vaccine reaction
    • More severe reactions occur after multiple vaccinations
    • He includes a PDF on how to recognize reactions
  • Parents don’thave health care round table
    • To get advice from different providers/ individuals rather than just on provider
  • Not belonging to a lifestyle community
    • Is important to stay connected community

Other points

  • Bring support once a plan is devised
  • He wants parents to think of themselves as empowered consumers

He uses 80 20 rule

  • 20 % of efforts get 80 % of results
  • Which vaccines can we eliminate
    • Hepatitis and HPV vaccines are lifestyle vaccines – sexual behaviour or body fluid exchange (for HBV)maybe mild childhood diseases such as chicken pox

Covid Vaccines

  • Each batch is different. Check website Howbadismybatch?
  • Vaxcalc does not address the covid vaccines but recommends against it
  • They recommend not to use a new medicine until it has been on the market of five to seven years
    • In the early use of a new drug, the uses is part of the experiment
  • Some vaccines were withdrawn after three deaths – not the covid shots
  • People under 40 have a 99.99 % chance of surviving covid
  • Studies are skewed because people are considered unvaccinated until two weeks after the last shot.
  • Ryan Ardis said  it has the genetics of cobra and crate snake venoms. One promotes clotting and the other stops stopping clotting