Dr. Achina Stein and  SilviaCovelli

Depression A Comprehensive Approach

Aired On: Jan 24, 2025

Show Notes

Depression in the leading cause of disability worldwide.  Other than pain from arthritis, depression is the most disabled.  There are limitations in the conventional psychiatric model is its focus on managing symptoms rather than identifying and addressing the root causes of depression. This approach disconnects physical and mental health and seldom addresses bodily dysfunctions that may contribute to or cause depressive symptoms. Additionally, it overlooks the necessity of a whole-person approach to treating a condition like depression

Dr. Stein and Silvia Covelli describe their 45 day depression recovery program.  Their program is founded on a 360 whole-person approach—a holistic method of healing the entire being: body, mind, emotions, and spirit—to foster a profound transformation in individuals.  

They combine advanced Functional Medicine testing, medical assessments, cutting-edge treatments with lifestyle habit training, trauma and somatic therapies, psychological and mindset techniques, powerful meditations, mindfulness, and yoga & movement practices. 

If you would like to participate in their program, you can contact htem at


Schedule a free call with Silvia or Dr. Stein at: 

Dr. Achina Stein

Dr. Stein is the Clinical Director at the Healing Depression Project. She is a leading expert in Functional Medicine Psychiatry and a best-selling author with 30 years of experience helping people recover from depression. She is a former Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.  Dr. Stein’s Amazon international bestselling book, “What If It’s NOT Depression? Your Guide to Finding Answers,” offers groundbreaking functional medicine perspectives, instilling hope and providing healing pathways for those facing chronic depression. 

Silvia Covelli

Silvia is the founder of the Healing Depression Project. She is an honors graduate from Boston College and a former social science researcher at Harvard University. She pursued graduate studies in finance and business law, and dedicated her career to entrepreneurship, becoming an accomplished businesswoman. 

In parallel with her thriving career, Silvia faced relentless and chronic depression, exploring over 60 different treatments without finding sustained relief. Her personal struggle, combined with her extensive background in human transformation and mind-body connection, led her to develop a program that remarkably eradicated 25 years of depression symptoms, leaving her depression-free ever since.

Depression A Comprehensive Approach

Dr. Achina Stein and  SilviaCovelli 



  • 90 million Americans and 1.7 billion people worldwide suffer from mental illness.
  • In the US, only 44 % of the adults and 20 % of the children receive mental health treatment
  • Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide
  • Other than pain from arthritis, depression is the most disabling
  • At any time in the US, 17 % of the population is depressed.
  • In 2017, the Social Security System  declared a new impairment category, “mental illness including depression
  • Rates of mental health conditions vary
    • In Japan 6.6 %
    • Mexico 8 %
  • For psychiatrists there is no clear formula for which medications would be prescribed for each condition
  • They tend to treat the symptoms rather than the underlying causes
  • As in other diseases inflammation, oxidative stress are contributing
  • Of course these are intimately interconnected with immune function and underlying infections including viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites
  • Check interview with Armin Swwatzbach
  • The organic acids test gives insight as to which metabolic pathways are malfunctioning
    • For example contributing to depression are:
      • Iron, zinc, copper, vitamin B 12, folate, vitamin B 6
    • Contributing to anxiety are vitamin B 3, Magnesium, vitamins B 6, B 9. B 12, level of stomach acid

Diagnosing depression

  • SIGECAPS pneumonic
    • S.  sleep
    • I interest, motivation
    • G guilt, Hopelessness
    • E energy loss
    • C concentration
    • A appetite
    • P psychomotor agitation or retardation
    • S. suicidal Ideation
  • Five of these symptoms are physical conditions
  • Depression is more than a chemical imbalance
  • Depression is the end result of other causes such as
    • Inflammation
    • Mitochondrial disorders
    • Metabolic disorders
  • There are steps to improve these contributors so the downside, anxiety symptoms of depression are lessened

Gut-  Brain Connection

  • Goes through the Vagus Nerve which connects all parts of the body
  • Controls the autonomic nervous system
    • Regulates breathing, gut (peristalsis)
    • The neurotransmitter needed by the brain are made in the gut microbiome
  • When the gut barrier opens, the brain barrier is likely to open
    • Eg. EMF and glyphosate (as in the herbicide, roundup) open up the gut and brain barriers
    • With an open gut barrier, undigested proteins seep into the blood stream.  The body makes antibodies against these undigested proteins. Which also attack other parts of our bodies leading to autoimmune diseases
    • Autoimmunity is caused by gut permeability
    • Top three causes of gut permeability are gut pathogens, stress and gluten

Dr.  Stein’sComprehensive Approach

  • She performs a thorough intake to get clues on diet, toxic (internal, external) exposures, stress, underlying infections
  • She does a full functional medicine work up
    • Stress triggers cortisol which affect sex hormones
    • The first thing she looks at is digestion
      • Diet nutrients and balance of proteins, fats and carbs
      • Neurotransmitters are made in the gut
      • Uses MSQ score
      • Does candida questionnaire

Silvia’s Story

  • She had symptoms of depression for 25 years
  • Nothing including medications or talk therapy helped her
  • Her alternate approach: she started improving within one month
    • Some antidepressants made her symptoms worse
    • She tried many natural treatments and alternative remedies
    • She changed her diet, focused on sleep
    • Meditation
    • Was cautious about what impacted her five senses
    • exercise

Their Program

  • Has seven stages
  • Lifestyle training
    • She trains people to change their lives in a way that feels right to them and it will be sustainable in the long term
    • Teach person how they can continue with these steps at home
  • Metabolic psychiatry
    • Link between what ae eating and entire body
    • Will include ketogenic therapy
  • Meditation morning routines
  • They put these many pieces together. It is personalized to the individual
  • There is peer and coach support
    • The group dynamic and connection helps make people well
  • The include the effects of trauma
  • They look at limiting beliefs and help access the subconscious mind

Inclusion of The Spiritual

  • They bring attention to the overactive mind
    • This can keep us focused on the past (regret) or on the future (anxiety)
    • This takes away from the present
    • Over 90 % of our thoughts are repetitive
  • They seek to calm the overactive mind so the participant can find inner stillness, the deeper, true self
  • They work with self-compassion and gratitude


  • Their website www.healingdepressionproject.comhas some tips that people can start with
  • Decrease carb consumption
  • Morning walk in the sun no sunglasses or hat allowing sunlight to come through eyes

Final points

  • It is important to look at the underlying causes
  • Diet, stealth infections, toxins, stress, hormones, mitochondrial dysfunction, metabolic disorders, gut pathogens area all root contributions to depression and anxiety
  • It is important to find the cause of body inflammation and oxidative stress (which is like rust on a car)
  • The clues are in the history

For more information, you can schedule an appointment to get information by contacting

Schedule a free call with Silvia or Dr. Stein at: 


Schedule a free call with Silvia or Dr. Stein at: 