Russell Jaffe, MD, PhD, CCN
Deep Dive into Immune Health
Aired on: October 6, 2023
Episode Description
The immune system naturally defends and repairs but when there is an immune burden then defense takes a back seat – “repair deficit” or inflammation, acute or chronic sets in. This is a well-recognized cause/amplifier of chronic, degenerative, and autoimmune conditions. When defense takes precedence over repair in the immune system, increased intestinal permeability intensifies the defense work in the immune system. Partially broken-down food remnants get through impaired intestinal walls and set the stage for host hospitality to chronic infection and/or autoimmune, chronic degenerative illness. Delayed or late-phase food and other chemical sensitivities can also contribute to chronic low-grade systemic inflammation. With the world coming out of a COVID stricken few years, we need to devote additional emphasis on the state of the immune system. There is so much information that has been disseminated about this that it is time to make sense of it all. Knowing which cells to look at and which high sensitive tests to look at, is vital and can make a difference. Adequate personalized intake of protective antioxidants and nutrients, guided lifestyle modifications and actions that target improved acid alkaline balance ( Nature’s pHarmacy) further allows the innate immune system to flourish, fight the inflammatory state and restore repair, providing relief from “repair deficit”. – our main focus in helping folks thrive in the 21st Century !
For consumers
For professionals.
Book How to survive in the 21stCentury
- Dr. Jaffee believes in treating people, not diseases or diagnoses
- He stared by reviewing 100,000 lab values, then 5000 biomarkers, then explored epigenetics
- Then he explored predictive biomarkers. These cover 100 percent of epigenetics
- This comes up with a personally predictive profile
- He interprets individual results compared to best outcome goal values not laboratory range
- For example, blood sugar and insulin
- Repair and anti-inflammatory status according to hscrp
- Cardio risk and mortality by having a healthy homocysteine
- Lymphocyte response assay to be tolerant
- Vitamin d should be between 50 and 80 as most don’t absorb vitamin D because of enteropathy.
- 8 oxy guanine a test of DNA damage (less than 5)
- Want omega 3 index to be more than eight
Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c)
- the average amount of sugar stuck to hemoglobin over the last three months assuming the red blood cells live a normal life span
- Is a measure of blood sugar and hemoglobin
- Should be five or less
- If HbA1c is less than five have a 99 % chance of living the next ten years regardless of age and medical condition
- This especially applies to people who have chronic illness, autoimmune illness, repair deficit illness, inflammatory illness, stress related illness
- Is a predictive biomarker, a measure pf sugar, insulin and energy conversion
- If red blood cells are being destroyed for example by and immune condition, can measurefructosamine– the average amount of sugar stuck onto the protein
- This tells if the red cells are damaged too early
- A measure of how. Much sugar is stuck on that protein. Measures the same as HbA1C
- Turns over in one month vs Hemoglobin which turns over in three months
- A quicker measure of insulin and glucose status
- Measuring blood sugar and insulin alone are just markers of this moment
- Extremely high blood sugar after a meal is likely due to a chemical or chemical to which one has a hypersensitivity to
- This can be detected by RLA Elisa detect test.
- Don’t eat sugar
- Eat complex carbs and foods in season
- Healthy values less than 0.5
- Show repair deficits, chronic illnesses
- Inflammation
- Is not a fire to be fought
- Inflammation means repair deficit ameliorated by antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and cofactors in the amount the individual needs based on the biomarker test. Then inflammation, autoimmunity, chronic illness, and pathology goes away
- Take sufficient ascorbate, polyphenols, magnesium chromium citrate, omega 3 fatty acid
- Maybe something to support liver and detox
Oxidative stress8 oxy guanine
- Urine test that measures oxidative stress to the nucleus
- Oxidative stress Can be in membranes, cytoplasm, mitochondria, nucleus
- Recommendation
- Vitamins, mineral, cofactors, B complex multi mineral with magnesium and choline citrate
- Omega 3 to balance out omega 6
- Stop sugar, ultra-processed foods and edible oils
- Stop edible oils because when one separates the seed from the oil, problems emerge
- He cooks with broth, wine, better than boullian
- Use nature, nurture and home
- All cause morbidity mortality marker
- Needs to be processed/ spun within 15 minutes because it starts leaking out of the cells as soon as blood is drawn
Ultra processed foods
- Half the foods American kids eat is ultra processed
- Are toxic and makes the kids crave more
Omega 3 index
- Should be greater than 8 %
- In his omega three oil, there is no fish left
- Because people are eating high fructose corn syrup and ultra processed foods, toxic metals and microplastics are found in many foods
- If you support your liver and body and take enough anti-oxidants like the bio available polyphenolics and nature’s ascorbates
- The EPA/DHA ratio indicates immune function, insulin sensitivity, improves brain health, reduces triglycerides, increases metabolism plus a lot more
- If you take the averaged fish oil that has fish antigens in it, is not distilled under nitrogen, is not free of toxic metals, pesticides, biocides, harmful chemicals
- Need micellized, distilled under nitrogen 100 %% EPA/ DHA, no fish antigens
- Also need some omega 6
- Most Americans get 40 60 60 times omega 6 from plastic containing foods
- We decrease the consumption of the bad and enhance biodetoxification
- Can avoid 80 % and detox the other 20 % by following his recommendations
- There are five categories of toxins
- POPs persistent organic pollutants
- Forever, hormone disruptive molecules
- VOC. Volatile organic compounds solvents
- Is in. n air and water and consequently food hence he recommends eating low on the food chain: vegetables, fruits, berries, fungi, nuts, seeds, sea vegetables and occasionally exotic thing like a mangosteen
- this would avoid 80 % of what causes cancer, cardio vascular risk, autoimmune risk, chronic illness risks. (Avoid disease causing prooxidative, anti-nutrient foods)
- Is in. n air and water and consequently food hence he recommends eating low on the food chain: vegetables, fruits, berries, fungi, nuts, seeds, sea vegetables and occasionally exotic thing like a mangosteen
- Follow biological detox system using ascorbate, polyphenols, magnesium, choline citrate, garlic, ginger, onions, brassica sprouts and eggs (goose, duck and quail eggs)
Immune tolerance test RLA
- Provides information about the immune repair system
- Tells what foods to avoid and what you can eat
- This reduces the harm and attack that is occurring in our immune systems
- If you have “itis,” auto immunity , inflammation, chronic illness
- Inflammation is repair deficit
- Inflammation is an opportunity to stimulate repair using nature’s ascorbate (produced under a nitrogen blanket vs prepared in the air where the oxygen in the air damages the product
- Shows how to repair the damage that was done
Morning urine pH
- Check pH after rest in the morning
- It should be between 6.5 and 7.5
- Need two doses of magnesium
- If the ph level is lower than 6.5, take
- If it is 6.5 need two doses of magnesium
- If it is under 6.5, for every half pH is below 6.5, you need an additional third, fourth, fifth dose of magnesium to decrease the long-term magnesium deficiency
- Meaning magnesium deficit in the cell, metabolic acidosis
- Others have recommended morning apple cider vinegar, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate
- He does not recommend these
- Baking soda is alkaline, and he recommends it for baths
- Fooling mother nature won’t work
- There is a system in biology called the carbonic anhydrase enzyme system
- Taking in bicarbonate will not alkalinize self
- Sodium bicarbonate will increase sodium and too little potassium
- Taking in tri-salts is an improvement. It has minerals but still has baking soda
- Nature does not regulate acid/ alkaline metabolism using metabolism
- Those who understand chemistry recommend baking soda
- It should be between 6.5 and 7.5
- How much magnesium needed
- Most have an absolute deficiency in magnesium; many have a relative excess of calcium
- There are over one billion dollars per year of calcium blockers sold in the US each year
- In a study on blood pressure, improvement correlated with moving into the upper half of magnesium levels
- If it is lower than 6.5, increase magnesium and choline citrate (to get the magnesium in
- This increases magnesium, correct the choline deficiency, and alkalinizes and energizes the mitochondria with the citrate
- This
- He believes we take in too much calcium and sodium and too little magnesium and potassium
- Zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum, iodine deficiencies as well
- Most have an absolute deficiency in magnesium; many have a relative excess of calcium
Vitamin D
- Is a neurohormone
- Level should be 50 to 80
- Decreases risk of cancer, heart disease, autoimmunity, toxicity, bacterial psthogenesis, parasites, prion disease, and neurodegeneration (diabetes of the brain)
- Regulates cell growth
- Ie, How cells know if there are too many or too little
- Sends. signal to other cells, stop proliferating, there are enough or a signal to grow more cells
- Ie, How cells know if there are too many or too little
Digestive Transit time
- His websites show how to do a digestive transit time test
- What goes in at night should come out in the morning
- Measure with charcoal the time from swallowing charcoal, til black crumbly stuff comes out tusch
- Should be between 12 to 18 hours
- If less than 12 hours, not enough time to digest and absorb food
- Is rare unless people had surgery procedures
- If time is longer than 18 hours
- Will have more ill health, auto immunity, chronic inflammation, cardio vascular disease, and cancer
- Can be from eating processed food, non-organic standard commercial foods
Nature’s pharmacy
- Use physiology/ natural approaches before pharmacology
His diet recommendations
- Shop around the edge of market
- Choose foods not in plastic
- To improve, stop processed food, sugar, grains, edible oils, eat whole foods, vegetables, berries, fungi, seeds nuts, sea vegetables wide variety of food
- He believes in not eating meat or dairy and not eating fish very much
- He believes meat is contaminated
- If you have fish within a week, will have elevated mercury in urine (David Quig)
- To see if a fish is healthy in the market, look to see if its eyes are clear
- If fish are frozen and thawed, the eyes are opaque
- Should be drinking enough broth and seltzer water, to pee every two hours
- Helps detox toxins of high tech living today
More on his program
- Has sought safer, more effective supplements
- Has invented the “tabsule”
- Has all active ingredients. He improved the bioavailability
- Most supplements have binders, filler, colorant
- He patented the enhanced uptake of magnesium through choline citrate
- Has all active ingredients. He improved the bioavailability
- If you want to manage your participation in his program, go to
- This is his consumer portal that gives access to information, inspiration, access to interpretations, and access to lab tests including phlebotomists all over the country
- Don’t need to go through a doctor
- This is his consumer portal that gives access to information, inspiration, access to interpretations, and access to lab tests including phlebotomists all over the country
- Professionals can go to
- Youtube channel for consumers and professionals. Drrusseljaffe
- Has blogs, recipes
His Diet
Follow biological detox system using ascorbate, polyphenols, magnesium, choline citrate, garlic, ginger, onions, brassica sprouts and eggs (goose, duck and quail eggs)
Live consistently with nature, nurture and wholeness
He eats no sugar, grains, processed foods, edible oils, meat, dairy
Eat low on the food chain (berries vegetables, fruits, berries, fungi, nuts, seeds, sea vegetables
No grains uses organic rice vinegar and apple cider vinegar
Follow biological detox system using ascorbate, polyphenols, magnesium, choline citrate, garlic, ginger, onions, brassica sprouts and eggs (goose, duck and quail eggs)