Jesse Jutkowitz , DC

Reversing Scoliosis and KyphosisJesse Jutkowitz , DC

Aired On: September 15, 2023

Episode Description

Abnormalities such as kyphosis and scoliosis make the skeleton look deformed. Doctors report there is nothing that can be done except surgery. However, on this show, we like to look at the underlying causes of our health problems rather than addressing symptoms. How can we address the underlying cause of spinal deformities? In the past and even currently some chiropractors believe in pounding the spine back into place which is the worst thing one can do.    Can find a local practitioner

  • He discovered the basis for why bodies go bad on a structural level
    • This answers why manipulations sometimes don’t work
    • Also, he found how to make manipulations work all the time
    • His approach is called the “A B C “ (Advanced Biostructural Correction)
  • Bones are out of place
    • Some go out of place in a direction where muscles can correct, some go out of place in a place that the body cannot correct as there are no muscles there
    • For example, if vertebrae go forward, there is no muscle behind the spine to pull them back
    • If a bone goes backward, there are muscles in front that will pull it back
    • If a bone goes sideways, there are muscles that pull them back into place
    • Same for bones in other parts of the body
    • The only place where the shoulders are attached to the body is where the sternum meets the collar bone in the front
      • If these bones move our of place, there are muscles that will pull them back into place.
    • Subluxation, bone goes out of place and chiropractic manipulation will put it back into place
  • When a bone goes out of place (and there is no muscle to pull it back< other bones will go out of place to compensate because the body is unstable in that area
    • For example, make two fists, put one on top of the other as a model of the spine.  When the top moves forward, the body moves forward losing bone leverage
      • Feel unstable in that position so one twists, bends or tilts the bone to compensate.  This creates a new misalignment which has to be compensated for.
      • Manipulations on such a compensated bone won’t hold because the body again compensates (the wrong thing was treated)
  • Should not treat an out of place bone which has a muscle which can correct it because it is part of the compensation pattern
    • Treating it will ruin the compensation pattern which will make things worse
    • On the inside each compensation causes meningeal (covers nerves) adhesion ( peri neural adhesions)
    • Manipulations wont work because the meningeal adhesions are too strong to move

Treatment includes releasing these adhesions so they come apart

  • As body becomes more stable, body starts to unlock stuck bones which moves to better position. Z body becomes more stable, body can let go of some compensations in other parts of body. (unwinding)
  • Spine acts like a large rubber band
    • Discovered by neurosurgeon,  by Al Breg (
      • Books:  biomechanics of the central nervous systemadverse mechanical tension in the central nervous system
        • These books are on structural engineering talk about the effects of altered mechanics or the spine has on the nerves
      • The issue is not nerve pinching, but stretching in the membrane of the nerve.  With this stretch, the nerves stop working
        • For example, the back of your tucked in shirt stretches when bending over
        • This was confirmed by a neurosurgeon, Shoki Yomara wrote paper Adult Tethered Cord syndrome.  If you take the stretch of the cord, there is relief of many neurological syndromes
        • Per Breg, traction is harmful because it stretches the nerve

First rib maneuver

  • Audience can learn how to do this for free on his website
  • This improves body’s posture with no effort
    • If bones are aligned properly, body stands up all by itself
  • If first rib (in neck) falls forward, body loses bone leverage, and shoulders roll forward., head comes forward, entire one third of chest collapse on the middle of chest
    • This compresses heart and lungs affecting breathing and heart
    • Immediately there will be a 20 % increase in breathing

Less than five percent of chiropractors do not know about this approach

  • Chiropractors don’t want to acknowledge ABC because it implies that chiropractic manipulation can hurt people (by moving a bone into a bad place)
    • Without the ABC approach, the results of manipulations are not predictable.
    • A B C approach has consistent results
  • The chiropractors believes affecting the nerves which affect other things.   He disagrees and believes the structural problem occurs first which then affects everything else

When you squeeze your toes together, breathing improves (whether sitting or standing)

  • When you pull your muscles, it changes the way the bones are aligned in feet, changes the way bones are aligned in calves, changes way femur twists, changes the way the pelvis twists, changes the shape of the spine
  • And changed the tension on the spinal cord and meninges, changed the shape of your head a little bit which changes the breathing.

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