Dominic D’Agostino, PhD
Health Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet
Nutritional Ketosis
- Is a therapeutic state marked by the elevation of blood ketone levels
- Achieved by diet high in fat relative to
- Low protein 8 – 12 % protein
- Standard American Diet has 28 % to 40 % protein
- Is restricted in carbohydrates and sugar
- Mimics fasting state which research shows is good for the health
- When ketones get to level of 0. 5 milli molar is known as ketosis
- Different from diabetes ketoacidosis from lack of insulin in diabetes type
- Classic ketogenic diet is used in pediatric epilepsy
Making Ketone bodies
- Elevated fat oxidation (burning) in the liver creates ketones
- Fats are metabolized so fast are creating excess of acetyl co A
- 2 acetyl co A molecules can create acetyl acetate which can make beta hydroxyl butyrate
- Liver lacks an enzyme succinyl-co A transferase that prevents liver from using the ketones so ketones go into blood stream
- Brain consumes ketones and glucose
- Ketones have benefits for brain
- Too much protein increases insulin and kicks a person out of ketosis
- Proteins include ketogenic amino acids as well as glucogenic amino acids
- Glucogenic amino acids
- activate liver to pump out glucose through gluconeogenesis
- release insulin can decrease fat oxidation in liver and the body
How to get into Ketosis
- In past induction was done by fasting for 24 hours
- Studies show that fasting is good for the health
- Intermittent fasting or time restricted eating
- Or eat meals that have meals
- 70 – 80 % fat
- 10- 20 % protein
- less than 10 % carbohydrates in form of fibrous vegetables
- salads, leafy vegetables, avocados, nuts, nut butter have high fiber and low glucose
- the fiber delays gastric absorption and prevents a release of insulin
Going back into ketosis
- Carbohydrates kick us out of ketosis
- Going in and out of ketosis is ideal
- He can go back into ketosis by intermittent fasting (not eating until 2 PM
- This does not work after eating a lot of carbs due to stored carbs
Short cuts back into ketosis
- Bulletproof diet
- Medium Chain Triglyceride Oils (particularly C 8 caprylic triglyceride)
- Can be put into coffee, salad dressing, and foods
- These are transported quickly into hepatic portal circulation system right to the liver
- The liver can burn this fat quickly which produces ketones
- These increase ketones by .1
- Long chain fats are packaged into cylo microns and transported into lymphatic systems
- Exogenous ketone products
- Help people transitioning from high carbs because brain can be going through glucose withdrawal giving head aches and brain fog
Gender Differences in ketosis
- Research used males
- Transitioning into ketosis is more difficult for females
- Anecdotally females have a more varied response especially with initiation
- Females have reactive response to hypoglycemia which might occur at start resulting in
- Dizziness
- Orthostatic hypotension
- Liberally use salt
- When they calorie restrict at the same time , this lowers active T 3
Chocolate Lindt
- One or two small pieces at least 80 % does not kick him out of ketosis
Atkins diet
- Is high in protein
- Can be ketogenic if calorie restricted
- Does not have clearly defined guidelines
Modified ketogenic diet
- used for adult seizure patients
- Can increase protein to 20 %
- Increases compliances
- Can achieve nutritional ketosis
- Can elevate protein to 20 %
- This amount of protein is less than Standard American Diet (28 % protein)
- Some fats can increase ketone levels
Health Benefits of Ketosis
- Weight loss and decrease diabetes
- Suppresses insulin, mTOR and IGF-1
- Non alcoholic fatty liver disease (has high rates – due to toxins?)
- Helps glucose transporter deficiency
- Epilepsy
- Acne
- Polycystic Ovary disease (PCOS)
- Extends longevity in animals (Journal cell Metabolism)
- Cancer
- Is associated with elevated glucose consumption and Warburg effect
- Is associated with fermentation – is pumping out a lot of lactate due to damaged mitochondria and a dysregulation of the energy systems that are fundamental to the cell
- Ketogenic diet targets cancer metabolism by
- reducing glucose availability to cancer
- cancer cells make ample glutathione by the pentose phosphate pathway which is associated with replenishing glutathione
- limiting glucose impairs this pathway
- Elevates ketones
- Most cancer cells are deficient in enzymes to metabolize ketones
- Decreases IGF 1 and insulin which are drivers for cancer growth once tumour starts
- Suppresses mTOR pathway
- Takes the foot off the gas peddle
- Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) enhances oxidative stress in cancer cells
- 2- 2.5 atmospheres of oxygen three times per week for one hour
- Tumour cells are used to low oxygen. When the tumour sees hyperbaric oxygen, they over produce superoxide anion and hydroxyl radical which drive the fentanyl reaction
- radiation works by increasing oxidative stress but has a lot of collateral damage
- This with ketogenic diet which cripples cancer cells anti oxidation capacity
- Metformin decreases chances of getting pancreatic cancer
- Mimics pathways of fasting, gene transcription
- Stress increases risk for cancer because immune system is dealing with stress rather than other cells
- Neuro degenerative Diseases
- Stabilized disease even after brain atrophy
- Increased motor function
- Use ketone ester earlier delayed accumulation of tau plaques
- Can use before disease starts, and can control symptoms of process
- Angelmans disease defect of house cleaning gene
- Ketogenic diet cured this especially cured the seizures
- Enhanced the cognitive functions
- Anti Inflammatory Benefits
- Suppresses NLRP inflammasome
- which elevates inflammatory cytokines associated with chronic illnesses
- autoimmune illnesses are associated with this inflammasome
- His c reactive protein went down significantly
- Suppresses NLRP inflammasome
- Autoimmune Disease
- Partially by healing gut
- Ketogenic diet eliminates foods that challenge the immune system
- Ketogenic diet enhances tumour associated immunity
- Ketogenic diet makes immune system more vigilent.
- Coaches immune system to recognized cells that have transferred to pre cancer cells and destroy them
Intermittent ketosis
- significantly delayed cognitive related illness, suppressed tumours
- One week on ketosis, one week off ketosis
Loss of Cognitive Function
- Cognitive capacity decreases with age
- Due to neuro-metabolic effect ?
- Bredesen believes 1/3- 1/2 of Alzheimer’s etiology is linked to a neuro metabolic impairment
- Alzheimer’s Disease is classified by accumulation of beta amyloid plaques
- D’Agostino believes nuero-inflammation is trigger for accumulation of these toxic plaques
- He also believes that breaking down these plaques is an energy intensive process which decreases when brain energy process is impaired
- low energy and low blood flow impairs removing these plaques
- ketogenic diet can protect us
- HIV and herpes viruses shedding causes inflammation
- When shingles outbreaks some people find that a fast helps these lesions to go away.
Measuring Ketosis
- Blood levels
Downside of ketosis
- Crp, homocsyteine can go down
- Increase hormone binding
- Kidney stones especially if not hydrated.
- Went down when supplemented with calcium citrate
- Use potassium and magnesium
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Can increase LDL cholesterol
- Increases the larger more boyant, less damaging LDL
- The small LDL don’t elevate as smuch
- A;; the other biomarkers are going in the right direction.
- Transports triglycerides and phospholipid particles
- Needed to transport
- Body and cell walls contain cholesterol